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  • 17.mp4



Heck this took a little longer than I though it would, but it's finally done. Check the video file in the attachments, a little opening scene's in there... and climax :3

I've got a couple of ideas for more train stuff, mainly with Rouge and Blaze AND Knuckles, Vector and Espio. Let me know if you wanna see them UwU I wasn't able to prepare sketches for today cuz I was working on the animation, but I will show some stuff with the next comic update. 

For now, please enjoy the boys playing around on the train! Again, check the attachments for video file, thank you for your support! 



Drake Arlin

This is just too awesome. Love that cheeky expression on Tail's face. Great job on this I can't wait to see what else you come up with.

.... . .-.. .-.. ---

Oh my god, this is fantastic! I would kill and die some see a follow up to this!


Thanks >w< I wanna do at least one more with Tails and Barry, and for all the characters in the game if I can :D


Thanks! I do wanna make a follow up, Barry needs to get in there >w<

Andrew Saraceno

I love this so much! Your work is fantastic! I really hope to see those 2 in a follow up! Maybe Barry takes a bit more charge hehe


More? MORE????? MORE!!! Ha! Barry is quite hung for a little guy, but then Tails, with all that back.... He need something substantial for that! Good thing Barry can deliver!


Hahah thanks >w< Yeah I though Barry should have a nice thick pp, even though he's a shy little guy UwU


I’d love to see you draw Vector! Vecpio (vector/espio) is one of my fav ships and when this game came out the Vecpio discord went feral for their content 😆

krazyelf (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-21 04:11:28 I've already did a little practice sketch of Vector.... Hoo boy I'm drawin him for sure! <3
2023-04-19 12:30:05 I've already did a little practice sketch of Vector.... Hoo boy I'm drawin him for sure! <3

I've already did a little practice sketch of Vector.... Hoo boy I'm drawin him for sure! <3

Seth Fagan

I love seeing Tails teasing with his perfect yellow butt.