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This thing.... was ready like 10 hours ago, but I really wanted to add something more to it like an additional angle with Sonic's POV. Of all things that could go wrong Shadow face was the only one that I couldn't make look good. He would end up looking too creepy and.... you don't want that staring directly a you guys, trust me :D

It was surprisingly fun to animate all the fluffies though. As much as I don't like drawing Werehog too often cuz that's too many details to take care of, in animation he really is fun :D I think I'm gonna be bringing him in more often UwU

For the next animation though it's time for Sonic to finally give in, I think~

This month is going way too fast or I've got too much stuff I wanna make agghkhsdgkjgsflu :D

You know what, even if I won't be able to fit all of them in October, I think November's not gonna complain about having a little fur in it :D

Any way, thank you for your support and please enjoy! OwO






I'm so proud of Shadow, He's taking it pretty well!


Hihi I will always believe in him. But he had the ultimate butthole so he can take anything XD


Shadow has one hell of poker face considering what he is taking back there. Love this series so much <3

Seth Fagan

So FLUFFY!! I love fluffy.


I loooooove the way he can just wrap his hands all the way around Shadow like that omfg