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I'm sorry for delayed post, guys. For now this is all I have. I somehow managed to get sick about a week ago, and though I'm recovering - this I've made today I don't seem to be able to make anything better yet cuz I'm just feeling pretty bad. It's nothing serious, just some sort of flu that just makes my head spin and hurt all the time, making it impossible to focus on anything. I will be checking with the doctor tomorrow again, hopefully I'll be able to come back in full action in a couple of days. This damn summer's trying my health this year I swear :D I hope you guys are healthy and doing good. Being sick sucks... 




Oooooh for a second I thought sonic was wearing a jacket because the ice cream is placed perfectly next to his puffed chest :D


Get well soon 😊


Take your time, personal health always comes first, says the guy who is working for 9 days straight 🤣🤣 Get well soon! ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻

Damian Gremory

Adorable hogs, no worries with any delays, as long as you feel better, the wait will always be worth it that's for sure.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-16 23:03:06 Oh my Gosh, our boys look so adorable <3 I really hope you will be better soon
2022-08-31 00:19:26 Oh my Gosh, our boys look so adorable <3 I really hope you will be better soon

Oh my Gosh, our boys look so adorable <3 I really hope you will be better soon


the boys are so cute and don't worry about the delay you just focus on getting better