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Alright, I'm making them move. It's only two frames for now, but these are the scariest ones to draw every time. 

Now that I have them though... it's about 6-8 more to go. That is if I don't suddenly decide I want to add some more stuff in there, like, say... additional angles...

....I mean, I had to hide Shadow's face on the main one, because of the angle. That would be a good excuse to go and try doing a close-up, right? 




Evan Blessed

Looking good by now... So hot!

krazyelf (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-26 03:11:59 Thanks >w<
2021-11-25 18:54:40 Thanks >w<

Thanks >w<


Why are they the scariest ones? ^^ Cause they are the keyframes or because they are the first ones that play?


Because they are the keyframes. It's much easier to draw secondary frames that go between them ^^


Goood luck, I love that you are doing an additional angle for this one :D