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Can you Traverse Hell and Save their Soul?

Carve your path through the Underworld all the way to Hades, to rescue the soul of your comrade. 

Descent Into Hell is a Fifth Edition adventure for three to five characters of 14th level. 

Break the cycle of life and death to bring your loved ones back. Descent Into Hell forces your party in a world of high-stakes deadly combat, with their souls quite literally on the line. 

Your party will have to: 

  • Solve the Riddles of a maddened oracle! 
  • Try to avoid the anger of Cerberus, the Hound at Hell's Gate! 
  • Sail across the River Styx! 
  • Fight the God of Death!

If you're an Adept member, you can jump straight into action with the adventure, pre-integrated into Foundry VTT. From dynamic lighting to character sheets, we've handled the tech so you can focus on storytelling.

Download the foundry VTT module here

Take Care!
Evan | MonkeyDM



Wyatt Ray

Hey love the new adventure, is there meant to be 2 alecto Stat sheets?


the 2nd one is Maegara, it seems her main name wasn't updated, but you can see in all the abilities the proper name :)


This is really cool, but Maegara's stat block is half-Alecto's including her name.


the 2nd statblock is Maegara, it seems her main name wasn't updated, but you can see in all the abilities have the proper name :)