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Hello good hunter!

I am happy to announce that our next compendium will embark on an epic journey inspired by  Greek Mythology! This new venture will bring to life the gods, heroes, monsters, and mythical landscapes that we read so much about since childhood, at least I know I did!

What to Expect:

  • Gods & Heroes: Play as descendants of the Olympian gods or as heroes blessed by them, wielding powers that can shape the fate of mortals and immortals alike.
  • Mythical Monsters: Face off against legendary creatures like the Hydra, Minotaur, and the cunning Furies. 
  • Ancient Greek Settings: Explore ancient cities, mysterious islands, and the depths of the Underworld. Each location is steeped in lore and filled with danger.
  • Epic Quests & Artifacts: Embark on quests bestowed by the gods themselves, and seek out legendary artifacts like Hermes' sandals, the Aegis shield, or even the Golden Fleece.

Sneak Peek:

To give you a taste of what's to come, I've included the statblock for the God of War (any resemblance to any character other than Ares is, of course, purely coincidental).

In the coming days I'll give you an adventure that will take you to Hades, retracing the steps of Orpheus to rescue a fellow player from the grip of the Underworld.  It will be completely for free because I think it's fun to force your players to use something other than revivify to bring back their allies from the dead!


Evan | MonkeyDM



joshua morris

Oh boy I'm gonna enjoy this