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Hello Good Hunter,

We hit a little snag this month due to some extra important tasks, so our Patreon updates got delayed. But don't worry, we're now back on track and full steam ahead! So expect to receive 3 weeks worth of content in the next 3 days!

Talking about the content, let's dive in!

Today, we're introducing the Cleric Domain of Eggs, a unique domain deeply rooted in the care and protection of dinosaur eggs, representing life and continuity.

New Items:

  1. Staff of Primordial Growth: Magic staff enhancing control over beasts and terrain.
  2. Dinohunter Weapon: Extra damage and control against larger creatures.
  3. Staff of the Second Sun: Enhance spellcasting and blind foes.
  4. Component Disruptor: Disrupt and alter enemy spellcasting.

New Monsters:

  • Cerebrum Tyrannus: A formidable foe with psychic and physical prowess.
  • Memorymuncher Raptor: A creature that manipulates and consumes memories.

Take Care!



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