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The Serpent's Embrace is a Fifth Edition adventure for three to five characters of 16th level.

The very seed of the world is under threat! Answer cryptic psychic messages, reach a blighted world tree and defeat the evils that threaten it from a variety of planes—or you might just doom all of existence!

In an ancient forest, your party answers a telepathic plea from the great serpent guardian of the World Tree, weakened by a sinister force.

They must battle corrupted plant monsters and uncover the origin of the enemy, leading to a climactic battle against a banished lich in the ethereal plane.

As the party makes their way back home, they carry with them not only treasures and rewards but also the satisfaction of having restored balance and protected a vital part of the natural world.

This adventure promises:

  • A journey deep into an enchanted forest, full of mystery and ancient magic.
  • Battles against corrupted guardians, testing the party's combat skills and strategy.
  • An epic confrontation with a powerful lich, offering a challenging and memorable climax.
  • The opportunity to aid and restore a mythical guardian, weaving a tale of heroism and sacrifice.

Are your heroes ready to heed the call and embark on this journey to save the World Tree and its guardian?

If you're an adept member, you can jump straight into action with the adventure, pre-integrated into Foundry VTT. From dynamic lighting to character sheets, we've handled the tech so you can focus on storytelling.

Download the foundry VTT module here  

Take Care!
Evan | MonkeyDM



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