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Hello good hunter,

Meet the Bringer of Fire - the answer for when your fighter craves the wild fury of flames.

Envision a warrior, not just clad in armor, but bathed in the primal essence of fire. A fighter that doesn't just swing a sword but commands the raw power of flames with every strike. 

From casting fireballs that make wizards jealous to forging ephemeral artifacts on the fly, this subclass is meant to expend on the idea of a fiery combatant.

So, if your fighter's tired of the cold steel and yearns for the warmth of a blazing heart, give this subclass a try.

Take Care!

Evan | MonkeyDM

P.S: This subclass is part of Echoes of Extinction, a massive prehistoric Tome that unleashes the might of dinosaurs and the primal arcane (10th level spells included!)




I wonder if there will be primal versions of the original playable races