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Adventure for 17th level.

Flames of Freedom is a Fifth Edition adventure for three to five characters of 17th level. 

Beyond the regular adventure, you'll be introduced to our brand new war minigame

This isn't just about leading an uprising against a tyrant; we've intricately crafted a comprehensive morale and loss system. 

As you spearhead the rebellion, you'll navigate the complexities of troop morale, tactical losses, and the very essence of warfare, bringing a fresh depth to your campaign as you seek to overthrow the oppressive ruler. 


To begin, the party is recruited as mercenaries by Ashim of the 9th Gale, a hobgoblin diplomat. He welcomes them to his camp, where they are promptly ambushed by Garag’thak’s forces, which had folllowed the party’s trail.

Upon defeating the assassins, the party can spend some time within the camp, meeting the various factions of the rebellion, assessing their forces, and preparing their own input on the upcoming siege .Once the party has met the various factions of the rebellion, they lead the army’s forces into a battle minigame, which influences the success of their battle.

With the rebellion in full swing, the party marches alongside their forces, approaching Firetower (the capital) and fighting Garag’thak inside his war room. With Garag’thak defeated, the party restores balance to the Vanguard Grounds. Peace triumphs.

Take Care!
Evan | MonkeyDM



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