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Hey good hunter,

Ready to expand your magical repertoire with destructive essence?

Unveiling spells that weave the abyss's mysterious might, directly from the Dread Tides compendium!

  • Black Flames: Channel the chilling darkness of the Leechdepth and wrap your foes in inescapable flames. Watch as the abyssal fires devour them slowly, with no hope of resistance. I recommend letting your villains use this spell to leave a lasting impression on players!
  • Blood Moon Curse: Ever thought the moon held secrets? Unleash a curse that cripples the very essence of spellcasting. The higher you soar in power, the longer your enemies remain trapped under the blood moon's shadow.
  • Void Blade: Forget those regular swords. Conjure a blade made from the pure void, and let it feast on the protection of your foes. Armor stands no chance; every strike diminishes its strength, and at your peak, vaporizes it!
  • Leechdepth Armor: Embrace the defensive might of the abyss! Don this dark crimson armor and watch as adversaries falter. Their weapons and shields dematerialize upon contact. 

Dive in, and let's see if your enemies can withstand the tide!

Take Care!
Evan | MonkeyDM



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