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Hello sea-lovers,

Pirates are no strangers to danger, but some tales make even the saltiest sailor's blood run cold. Enter Qilo Isle, or as many whisper, the "Timeless Isle".

Imagine a place where roaring dinosaurs claim their dominion, untouched by time’s passage. Yet, for all its intrigue, Qilo remains a mystery. While many crews have dared to venture there, mere whispers of them return. And of these whispers? Only a handful of survivors, their tales as haunting as the island itself.

Even the legendary Sea King, Paldris Moonglaive, hasn’t dared challenge its shores. But hey, we pirates have a knack for chasing glittering treasures, right?

Now, here's a twist. The heavens clashed, and a fallen angel, shining like pure gold, plummeted straight towards our elusive isle. The ever-partying pirates, eyes set on this heavenly loot, are gearing up for the ultimate gold rush.

Brace yourself, for the Timeless Isle is about to witness an invasion.

Cheers and may your compass always point true!

Take Care!
Evan | MonkeyDM



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