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Ahoy there!

Trust ye be in fair winds and calm seas.

After we've hung up our spurs from wrangling with the Cowboys From Hell, it be high time we set our sights on somethin' with a bit more briny air to it, aye? Prepare to hoist the Jolly Roger, mateys, we be chartin' a course for a Pirate Themed Book!

This treasure trove will be brimmin' with all ye need to steer yer way through swashbucklin' pirate escapades. We'll be puttin' more weight on options for ye scurvy sea-dogs than on monstrous adversaries, since our Guide to the Abyssal Depths be already packed to the gills with maritime beasts from the deep.

While we be battening down the hatches (working on the content), have a gander at this glimpse of what the innards of our compendium will be lookin' like—this be a work in progress.

Take Care!

Evan | MonkeyDM

P.S: Writing like a pirate is surprisingly complex.



Jonathon Hyslop

Perfect Timing! I've been asked to turn my Pirate one-shot into a campaign. Trim the sails and keep your cutlasses close. This is gonna be a good one.

Wesley Patrick

Perfect just realse it as is rn. That photo really combines pirate vibes with easy to understand functionality.