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Hello everyone!

Today a ghost-busting adventure for characters of level 10.

It turned out way longer than I anticipated, which is why it was a bit delayed.

It was supposed to be a one-shot, but having played it myself, it will require closer to 2-3 sessions to complete.

Hence the title double adventure

Here's a quick breakdown of what it is about:

The adventure begins with the party being recruited by the Asmoarch Sheriff, who asks them to investigate what happened in Traft, a ghost town.

The party arrive within the town to find it indeed filled with visions of death and unruly spirits ready to fight them, all in service of The Haunted Stagecoach, a spiritual vehicle manned by vengeful spirits. It will chase the party into the town’s old in, the Rabbit’s Foot.
There, the party will meet the town’s ghostly drunkards waiting for a fight and, upon defeating them, will get to talk with the bartender and a few others to find out what truly happened. They’ll investigate a few other buildings until they piece together that a bunch of bandits, well armed and defended by a cactus golem, came in and killed everyone for their money. The party must now avenge the spirits or suffer the wrath of the The Haunted Stagecoach.
After a brief excursion, the party find the bandits and defeat them, before walking into the sunset. Unless they die, which of course would cut any such plans short.

That's all,

Evan | MonkeyDM

P.S: All the monsters used in this adventure can be found in the latest monster release from last week.



Benson Huang

is there a recommended player count for this?

Jarl Håkon Kverme

Hey, in the sheriffs office in traft, there is a chest filled with the ripped out pages of the journal and a detailed file on the howlthorn gang, where do I find these? and is there a recommended player count?


4 players. What the torn papers revealed is specified underneath, it is not an exactly written point, just the information that players get from reading it.