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Hello everyone!

This is the first subclass of our next tome, Cowboys from hell!

It will have to do with the far west, guns, undeads and devils, and is already a blast to write about!

I have a ton of content prepared for it, I just need to take the time to format it properly, which is proving tougher than expected with all the things I'm doing, Kickstarter included.

Anyway, get ready to blast some devils off of the face of the earth with this subclass, with powers of fire and brimstone!

Take Care!

Evan | MonkeyDM

P.S: The name of the tome is still not final, as I don't want Panthera to be mad at me (perhaps an obscure music reference?)



Devin M

If there’s a fair amount of undead in it you could call it “Bones and Arrows” like a play on bows and arrows.


I've actually had an idea for months about cowboys in hell, where people were pulled into avernus and used the technology of infernal warmachines to invent guns, becoming a society of cowboy demon hunters. Now I'm honestly a bit envious that my idea is no longer original. But still, it's amazing someone had almost the exact same idea as me of cowboys in hell and I can't wait to back the kick starter when it comes out.