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Hello everyone, finally the new tome is here.

My apologies for the delay!

As you may know there are talks right now of updates to the OGL (Open Gaming License), the things that allow me to create content for the game.

As such, I had to take a few days to make corrections in my business, to keep it alive for the future.

Anyway, here is the new tome.

It contains everything about the Arthurian Legend, the knights of the roundtable, their mystical items, and their fall to the corruption of Morgan Le Fay.

As such we have tons of new subclasses, races, and monsters for a total of 79 pages of content!

Take Care and enjoy!
- Evan | MonkeyDM



Gold Mario13

I don't see Gawain's statblock in the compendium. is there another pdf where it can be found.


Yay amazing!!!!