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Hello everyone!

Here's a high level adventure (level 15) for you to sink your evil teeth in!

I'm in the process of creating a new template for the future MonkeyDM's PDFs, but in the meantime Steinhardt's Template fits this particular adventure quite well.

This adventure takes you in front of the court of hell, where you'll get to choose what evil boon you wish to receive before hunting a man that has slighted all of hell.

A Compendium-ish thing full of content will drop tomorrow, it has a lot of various fun ideas in it, and I'm really curious to see what you'll think of it!

The day after that another adventure will be releasing. This one was supposed to be a collaboration with another Creator, but the collab fell through. The adventure is already written though, so you'll still get access to that ;)

Take Care!

P.S: Super Glad to be back creating content for you all! The videos on my various social medias will also resume soon!



Pete Scanlan

Seems like it would make an interesting continuation from Decent into Avernus