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  Here's a new monster, the Razorblade Bitzer. These "beasts" can sometimes be seen as the ally of hunters in their hunts, and other times are seen devouring them. Their true allegiance lies with the radiant church, and they will never turn against their master.

As you guessed it, this is part of Steinhardt's Guide to the Eldritch Hunt, which we are going to be launching in 24 hours!


The lore had to be cut down a bit to fit in one page, so here's the extended version of it, which will make it in the full book:

When the hunts first began, they were kept under wraps, only to be executed under cover of the night. Hunters swore an oath of secrecy to the Radiant Church: none were to speak of the Scourge; rumors would spread more virulently than a plague ever could. But the hunters were warriors, not propagandists, and thus the church tasked the Obitus Scholare with creating a means of removing any trace of the horrors that occurred each night.

     Hunting dogs had been used for centuries in Luyarnha: for retrieving partridges, rounding up wild boar, and even as attack hounds by the city watch. However, all of these canines required a master, and all left the bones and inedible guts of their their prey festering in fly-covered mounds. The Obitus Scholare needed an autonomous creature with fewer dietary scruples, one who would lick the cobbles clean of blood and decayed flesh alike.

     Using the technology of manikin creation, the Scholare fused flesh to metal, creating a construct-canine with an insatiable appetite: razorblade bitzers. Released in the wake of a hunter's pursuit, or after an eldritch incursion decimated a neighborhood, these bitzers would consume all. Bones were broken, liquids lapped up, and the gaze of Luyarnhians was protected from the brutality of the events that had transpired the night before.

     Although the eldritch runes carved upon the steel of their skin ensures the loyalty of these hounds to the Church, many still roam the streets, forgotten and masterless. Only in death does their duty end.

Take Care!




Dyllan Bell

First comment! Lol Also damn! This is wicked

Nix Nyte

I love all of these!! how does it work with regards to releasing the content? if someone were to purchase both online and physical copies do we receive the online one immediately?


The book itself is not finished, but as soon as it will be you'll get a digital copy.