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Hello everyone!

We are 7 days out from the launch of Steinhardt's Guide to the Eldritch Hunt!
(Launching on the 19th at 3pm GMT+1).

Now, to make sure that you get the free D20 with your physical order, you'll need to back the KS within the first 24 hours of launch.

This is because we may not have enough of this dice for everybody, as we have already 12.000+ people on the mailing list.

As you are my patrons I'm letting you know that in advance, and will let the mailing list know tomorrow.

To make sure you don't miss out, click here to access the pre-launch page on Kickstarter and be the first to be notified when we are live!

Now in regards to the weapons,

Let me introduce you to 2 new ones, the Meat Hookshot and the Phantom Limb.

The meat hookshot is inspired by the super shotgun from Doom Eternal, which allows you to grapple onto enemies, pull yourself closer to them, and blast them in the face, which I always found profoundly fun.

On the other hand, the phantom limb was inspired by Sekiro, and totally fits the vibe.  If you always fight beasts and aberrations, you are going to lose limbs and will need replacements, so might as well make the replacement deadly.

Once again, click here to access the pre-launch page on Kickstarter to be the first to be notified when we are live

Take Care!

- Monkey

P.S: Sorry about the repost, the wrong image and PDF were uploaded.



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