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Hello everyone!

I'm getting my writing chops ready for Steinhardt's Guide to the Eldritch Hunt, which is going to be a very gothic horror/eldritch book.

There will be some adventures in it, notably one releasing hopefully this Friday.

This one isn't part of the book at all, but rather an idea I had in mind for a long time now. I just wanted to commit it to paper before having to shift all my focus to Steinhardt's. This was mostly to get used to the new layout that I'll be using.

It has light themes of horror, a small dread mechanic, which is self contained for the adventure, and allows to add some more excitement to it.

I hope you'll enjoy it!

Take Care!





Im preparing to run this module for a small group and have found one small error. Some of the page headers are still written as if it was the template for steinhardts guide. such as chapter 2 is labeled "subclasses". None of this is a problem but I thought I would point it out. Love the story so far and the work you've put out, im a relatively newer patron but long time follower.