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Hello everyone!

Sorry for the delay on this adventure, it was supposed to come out Sunday, but I was visiting my family and the internet there was horrendous, cancelling my upload each time I tried.

I’m back in the office now, so all the content will get back on track, dropping soon will be an updated version of the Fey-tastic Compendium, which I’ll also be updating this month.

I’m also working on a Bloodborne inspired Kickstarter, which will feature some incredibly deadly content, all illustrated by incredible people. You can read up more here if you’re interested:

In the meantime, take care!

- Monkey



Brady Bowles

Ill be using this this sunday. Theyre currently in the fae wild on a large river but the fae wild is weird and boom beach.

Danny Espelo, Van

Life's a beach indeed... Well actually if your life is a beach... You probably have the better end of the deal. Sounds like this adventure might question my believes...lol Thnx monkey you always deliver and I hope you had a good time with your family.