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Hello everyone!

So after releasing the Tome of Twilight and taking a bit of time to think about what I should tackle next, I came up with what I think is a fun idea for most tables.

I will create a book containing ways which allow players to embody classic "monsters" such as vampires, werewolves etc..

This will be created either in the Form of Prestige Classes like the updated Vampire Class in the Tome of Twilight, or as add-ons to an existing class.

It will probably a shorter compendium, with the transformations and perhaps a few monster statblocks of such transformations.

So far here are the transformations I have in mind:

- Vampire
- Werewolf
- Lich
- Siabrae (Lich version of a Druid)
- Mummy (Lich version of a Cleric)
- Frankstein's Monster (name pending)

Tell me if you have other ideas in mind that I should add to it!

Take Care!



Were-harpies? Infectious owlbears? Transformation from dealings with deities? Dragon form/Lovecraft forms/sirens or mermaid/ kitsune Partial/whole transformations maybe even from unwilling sources: f.e. think marvel symbiotes, Hulk, spirits taking over bodies, or maybe even gods taking over the body of a follower and it manifesting in some way. You can also go the DBZ way and have transformations that work as power ups with a cost. +4 bonus modifier at the cost of half your speed, a modifier that gets subtracted, given weaknesses. Also personally, I'd like to see a big expansion on Simic Hybrid. The current 4 modifications don't really cut it.