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You broke the pirate law, and will now pay the price!

There is no realm on Bricia without a ruler. Whether it be the wooded kingdoms of Ulfwald, the hills of the Aonian Republic, or the frosted mountains of Bjorngard, there always is a ruler. The same can be said for the high seas of the world. Though for a long time pirates roamed freely, partly shrouded in the Evermist, now, with the mists gone, the seas require order. No longer can there be endless fighting.
As such, in an attempt to establish order, pirates from across the many seas convened and formed the Seat of the Sea King, a place where any pirate captain could make their claim for the title of Sea King. Then, after democratic elections made by all captains, one would be decided.
After the latest elections, Paldris Moonglaive, captain of the Horizon Courser, has been chosen as Sea King. Paldris, also known as the exiled prince of Ulfwald, has established a tight grip over the seas, ensuring no injustices or betrayals are tolerated.
For this reason, when a crew of adventurers chose to take matters into their own hands and not take pirate law into consideration, Paldris swore to make an example out of them.



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