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Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well.

I'm coming to you today with a very important update.

As the months have gone by, I've started to accumulate more and more content over here on Patreon, with weekly adventures, and (almost) monthly compendiums, I calculated and we broke 1000 pages total!

Now this Patreon journey has been absolutely amazing, and cannot thank you all enough for that!!
But with that being said I have to talk about the bad news.

As time goes on, more and more people come on Patreon, subscribe for a single month, download everything I have to offer, and then leave. This really doesn't feel fair to all the people who support me throughout multiple months and help me build the content and compendiums (know that I love you to death if you do so). In my eyes it feels similar to subscribing to Netflix for a month, downloading their entire catalogue of movies, and then leaving.

But I still want people to be able to download my content, because that's part of the nature of what I create. So instead I have decided that I will start removing some of my content from Patreon, and moving it to my website (www.monkeydm.com), and make it available only through there.

What does that mean for you as a subscriber? 

Compendiums: (such as the 10 Plagues, Secrets of Gravity Magic, etc...)

Initiates and Adepts will have access to the last 2 Compendiums. The other older compendiums will be moved to my website, where they can be purchased individually. Anything I sell on my website will be sold at a discount price to patrons (The discount will vary depending on the tier of subscription, with adepts getting the highest discount)

Tomes: (such as Tome of Vile Corruption, Guide to the Abyssal Depths, etc..).

Adepts will get access to the last 2 tomes, and the other older Tomes will be moved to my website, where they can be purchased individually. Adepts will get a 50% on any digital product sold on my website. This way this tier stays an extremely good deal, but it will mitigate a lot of the issue with people downloading everything and leaving.


Adventures which are older than a year will be moved to the Adept Tier, every other adventure will remain as they are. This always allow for roughly 30-40 adventures to be in rotation at a time, whilst the other ones are limited to higher tiers. Free adventures will remain free of course.

FoundryVTT Content:

My adventures are available in FoundryVTT format, which is reserved to Adepts. This will not change, but adventures that are over 1 year old, will have their FVTT format put on my website, or on the Forge, and only be accessible through there, discount price will still apply (at least for my website, I cannot guarantee the Forge discounts as the integration is still in early alpha at the moment)

Regarding the individual pieces of content that I release daily (subclasses, monsters, etc..) I have no clear idea what I will do to them just yet. They might be removed if the compendium/tome they are associated with gets removed as well, but that isn't sure yet.

For now, nothing is going to change, those changes will go live once Black Friday (possibly Cyber Monday) is over. This should give you all who are subscribed time to download everything you need, if you haven't done so already.

So for people who stay subscribed, they will basically see no changes, you'll get access to the content as it gets released, as per usual.

If you want to download any of my older content (notably compendiums and tomes), now is the time to do it, before it gets moved to the website.

If you have any question, let me know in the comments below!

Thank for taking the time for reading, and understanding where I'm coming from. I'm looking forward to creating more content for you, of better and better quality!

Take Care!



Some thoughts (possibly disorganized) - I only intermittently have time to get back to check in on progress (and I mostly skim/delete the emails, because email volume!). I'm probably 12 months behind right now. it looks like the compendiums don't include the adventures, and the dragon hoards do - but the hoards dont include the map/content files that are sometimes released with adventures. (the change to a zip file and away from imgur has been great, btw, thanks) you don't mention what's going to happen with the hoards in the new system. I'm mostly here for the adventures, I've run a few and they were excellent. I certainly haven't gotten through the entire backlog. Even with the spreadsheet, it's very hard to keep track of what I have or haven't downloaded. There's no good way to know how "old" something is, short of tracking down it's original patreon post.


Regarding your question for the adventures, as you are an Adept tier (OG Adept to be exact) you won't have to worry about them, you will keep access to adventures at all times. For others, if they want some old adventures specifically, they'll have to upgrade to the Adept tier. I haven't mentioned hoards, because I'm not sure myself what will happen to them. Hope this clears up any issue :) Regarding the age of adventures, anything before "The Great Heist" on the google spreadsheet will be moved to the adept tier, the rest will remain at their respective tier, and after that it will move down one on the spreadsheet each week.


Hi :) I just found this post and while I fully get why you decided to change things, I'd suggest editing your tier descriptions accordingly. Based on the description for the Adept tier, I assumed I'd have access to the Dragon's Hoards and that they were available for all months in 2021. I specifically chose this tier to start with because I was looking forward to an easy option for downloading older content. I would have started out at the Initiate tier otherwise.


hello! So all the content is still available at the moment in the form of all the compendiums. Since I still haven't moved anything to the website yet, I haven't changed the descriptions. If you want to get access to all the content I've written on the google sheets (pinned post on this patreon) download everything in the compendium category, and you'll have access to everything but the adventures, which need to be downloaded separately, hope this clears things up :)


Ah, okay! I wasn't sure if anything had been moved :) Thank you!!