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Beles is a celestial, in a similar vein to Bahal, the great serpent. Casted out of the heavens she was condemned in the abyssal ocean. Instead of being helped she was tortured by magic for millennia, emerging mad with vengeance.

She has some very fun abilities, is quite resilient, and can summon various cataclysms so that's fun.

The Nexgruges is a spirit of vengeance that made a pact with oceanic "gods" to overtake the body of an unfortunate soul. It can rage and has this very cool ability which incapacitates it if you present it with loving memories of its past. The lore of it is quite heavy, so be warned.

I might make a bestiary called Monster of the Abyssal Depths before hand, or do the full compendium, not decided 100% yet, let me know what you think :)



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