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Two new weapons to rip and tear your foes. 

I mean one of them does that, the other one summon a cute puppy or a terrifying scorpion depending on your needs... Neat !




The Sash is interesting, and it seems rather powerful to me. (Also, it needs an item type and rarity on the item card.) I'm a big fan of the ideas behind the effects, but I personally would make the two Misty Step effects cost 1 more charge each, unless you're going for Very Rare tier or above. Especially the Misty Step as a reaction when targeted, that seems extraordinarily powerful to me. Also, summon good boi friend as a full familiar is a fun idea.


The sash is a very rare artefact, forgot to include that. 2 uses of misty step for an item is 2nd level spells, which is barely worth the rare tier, high uncommon at most according to the guidelines, which is why I added the reaction misty step, to make it worth that very rare tier. Glad you like the doggo !

Steven Kunst

What does it mean that the Savage Claws can "mark" a creature?


view it similarly how hexblade's curse works, or simply hunter's mark.