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A full 40 page adventure module you say ? Well the first part of it at least.

As part of reaching 500 patrons, this was one of the milestones that was promised, adventures for the busy GMs and Adventurers.

The hook ?

"The heroes herald from the land of Bricia (or whatever land your world has). Back home a war that has lasted for centuries is raging, it shattered the continent. The violent abuse of magic of weapons has destroyed the lands, rendering most of them sterile. Starvation, pain and death is the only future that await the Brician folks. Yet all is not grim, a glimmer of hope remains still.

The main government has secretly financed expeditions, in the hopes of finding new land upon which the populace could survive. One such expedition was a success, uncharted territory was discovered, but not yet explored. The heroes have been selected to explore that land, they are old war heroes, retired soldiers, or hopeful souls. No matter their background, they have one thing in common, the fate of their kin rests on their shoulders."

Enjoy !



Dan Scott

Do you have a link to the map(s) for this adventure? Thanks!


Where do I find the stat block for the corrupted hydra?


I know Monkey DM already replied in the part 2 comment but for those that haven't seen that yet: you can find the maps here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/full-35-pages-50667354?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare


For those who are wondering this same question, you can find it included in the pdf in this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/full-35-pages-50667354?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare