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Hello good hunter,

I am thrilled to share with you four new spells from the "Wrath of Olympus" compendium.

These spells are perfect for clerics, warlocks, druids, sorcerers, paladins, and wizards who want to unleash the power of the gods upon their enemies.

  • First up, we have "Godly Wrath," an 8th-level enchantment that allows you to summon the wrath of a god in various flavors: Crumbling Earth, Rain of Wrath, or Engulfing Death. (I'm proud of the name of the last one).
    Any creature reduced to 0 hit points by this spell instantly dies and can only be restored to life by the most powerful of spells, which means that your villains can have some fun with it. 
    Imagine executing one of the PCs family in front of them with it, that will give them some real hatred real quick.

  • Next, we have "Salvatory Snakes," a 3rd-level conjuration that conjures two snakes of healing energy to aid your allies. These snakes can heal and cure poison, making them a valuable asset in any battle. Think the rod of Asclepius.

  • For those who want to get up close and personal, "Hand of Gods" is a 4th-level conjuration that summons a godly hand to orbit around you. This hand can lift, drop, hold, push, pull, grapple, and even make unarmed strikes or wield weapons and shields. As you can see from the art, not all gods are nice haha.

  • Finally, we have "Untether," a 7th-level necromancy spell that allows you to sever a creature's connection to their soul using the power of the Norns. Not evil at all I promise :)

These spells are sure to add some divine flavor to your campaign and give your casters new ways to unleash their power.

May the gods be with you!

Take Care!

Evan | MonkeyDM




Shouldn't Untether use the power of the Fate/Moirai instead of the Norns in this setting?