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I have told several people recently that I couldn't do 3D related things for them because my arm is still messed up and I really shouldn't be doing 3D right now. My apologies to those people. :P It wasn't a lie, I really shouldn't have been doing 3D. But I got the idea try hair using my nodes setup and it's been gnawing away at me and I've been telling people I would experiment with learning to make hair for ages, so I couldn't resist and finally caved to my urge to try, very slowly picking away at this over the last little while whenever my arm would allow.

It sucked to make and sucks to animate every bit as much as I expected, but it -is- possible at least, I guess. And I did learn some things doing this. 

And then because I love to suffer I made her two layer top outfit, which was just as miserable. But it does look rather fetching I think!

Anyway, uh... museum employee red panda girl exists now. Guess it's time to name her? You know the drill. Make suggestions, if I like any I'll pick 'em, if I like several we'll vote, if I hate them all I'll come up with my own.

To give y'all a leg up, as a general rule, I tend to prefer names that either mean something relevant or sound particularly nice. I'm probably not going to name her (or the majority of my characters) something very standard like Fred. Show me whatcha got. :P






Might be a but too on the nose, but I thought Ruby or Scarlett since the hair is her thing

