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I am toying with making... a thing. This thing may never come to exist, but it also might. Said thing has the potential to involve chastity as a minor component, but doesn't necessarily need  it. I can't decide. No further explanation will be given.

Chastity, yes or no?  :P



(edit) nvm i voted no Withholding vote because it's pretty vague--is it permanent? Is it long-term? Male or female? Voluntary? Does it shoot lasers out of the tip? Personally, I like short-term (days to a few weeks) chastity where both participants are very into it and it's used as a build-up to a reward >:D which may or may not be forced orgasms at least 5 im just saying

Gamer Vane

Not my thing, doesn't add anything for me personally. But it's about as inoffensive as a kink gets imo.


I don't really understand the vote TBH


Dude yes, always some good chastity


Eh, didn't vote. Because I'm in the middle of the two choices. Like, it's not really my thing, but I won't care if chastity is or isn't included in a animation or whichever lol.

Asp & EDEN

It can be fun, unless it's permanent. I only support permanent in fantasy.

Hyena Grin

It really depends on the context and details, tbh. It's a little too vague. I could see either answer being more or less good. I feel like I'd just be flipping a coin if I answered, so I'm gonna abstain.

Shira Wolven

I’m firmly in the yes camp!


Do it

Growlph Ibex

No context necessary. Things with chastity are better than things without it, in every situation.