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Sorry, I know I'm a bit late on this this month. I've been a bit on the busy side and just forgot, honestly! But better late than never I suppose. 

This month, instead of specific characters, we're doing some picture ideas you can vote on. Here are the ideas that were suggested this month. 

1 - Some public use - locked in stockades, for example. 

2 - Some "Winter exposure" - think a pinup with someone in winter gear but no pants, that sorta dealie. 

3 - A simple squirting pic.

4 - Two chicks snoballin'. 

That's whatcha got. Leave your votes below and I'll make whatever y'all decide on into a picture! :D



Definitely 2


2 of course, though combined with 1 might not be half bad either.



Summer Vixen

4 would be nice if the dick that provided the snowball was still in the picture, dripping~


I vote for 2 myself.


Number 1!


4. I feel like that's something I don't see depicted very often.


My comment would turn the tides but I really don't know which one to choose. Although val's comment seems appealing if a certain someones cock did make a cameo. :'D


As much as I'd like to see number 1, I will spare everyone the resulting four way tie!