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Was planning on doing some practice today anyway, so it seemed like a good excuse to toss something up for all you folks! This is a good example of the sort of thing I don't normally post on FA, so as a result would never get seen. 

This is me playing with anatomy a bit. I've found that my base 'skeleton' generally doesn't line up all that well with the final product, which makes planning out a picture or figuring out difficult poses much harder than it needs to be, often coming down to guesswork- which is a terrible idea, heh. I've been working a bit on making my initial rough skeleton a bit more anatomically appropriate to help combat that problem. 

Still got quite a ways to go- the hips are really throwing me off, particularly in any kind of perspective, but  I figure if I keep plucking away at it It'll eventually smooth out my drawing process a bit. 

Most of these sketches aren't particularly appealing, which is why they wouldn't typically be posted. But they give an idea of what sort of thing I do to practice, so lemme know what you think, and if you'd like to see more!



Michael J Simmons

Nice doodles and sketches. Ever thought of doing tutorials.


I've toyed with the idea, though I feel I'm not sound enough with my anatomy skills for it to really be worth it for you guys yet. But I'd definitely like to once I get comfortable, and I might whip up a painting tutorial at some point in the nearer future since I'm more comfortable with that!