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I've been fiddling around with the interactive video project a little bit lately, (because apparently "I'm going to take a break" means "I'm going to work just as hard but on different stuff) and I've gotten asked about it a few times since I last said anything about it so I figure it's as good a time as any for a little update. Some of you may have thought I had abandoned this, but remember that I took like two years off the fluffer and then came back to finish that up. I work at my own rate, but I get things done eventually. :P

So I came back to it for the first time in a few months, and when I left it off I thought I had everything working so I made some animations and tossed them into the project to test it out, and lo and behold, it didn't work. x3 So for some quick background, unity's built in video-looping setting doesn't work at all, it hitches on every loop so I had to make my own. It involves having two video players that swap out each loop so that the non-active one can prepare the upcoming clip so it's good 'n ready to go when the time comes. The problem I encountered was that no amount of pre-preparing seemed to help, when you tell a video to play it just skips a few frames, every time.

Fortunately, all my existing code sucked ass so I just started over from the beginning, and this time designed the code around having 24 frames of pre-video to allow it to get a sort of running start, and I can then swap it out the players on the move rather than just trying to slap it awake the second I need it. Was a bit fiddly but I seem to have gotten it working.

As a result of starting over, I've lost some progress in a few areas, like not all the buttons fade in and out properly yet for example, but everything it so much cleaner and better in the back end that it should be pretty simple to get it all working. Just animating the fuck ton of transitions and climax scenes is going to take ages. This is definitely a long term project, don't expect it to be done any time soon! This one transition scene seen here took me an entire day to animate, so making them all is going to be an adventure, hah.

I don't think I've shown much actual animation of this project yet have I? Well, this is what I did today so I thought I'd share it; it's the transition scene that takes you from the intro screen loop to the BJ loop. Don't mind the quality- not only is this the quick ugly viewport render for speed reasons, this video has had a rough life... first rendered in blender, then played back in unity, recorded in OBS as .mkv, remuxed into mp4, uploaded into blender again to do some editing and then re-rerendered into mp4 finally, hah. The actual videos in the project should look much better!

Everything here is WIP status, from the animations to the icons, but it should give you an idea what I've been up to and what to expect when it's done. Uh, I guess that's all... lemme know whatcha think! Example video is attached. :3



Well the example is amazing