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I had some spare time today and used it to put together a quick animation of Blue and Gale. They've been apart for so long (since I've had various Gale models for years now and only just made a Blue) that you know they wouldn't be able to keep off each other for long anyway. Only seems fair to let 'em have some fun after waiting so long!

Higher quality version if you want it: https://e621.net/posts/3064558

And don't forget to vote on the monthly stuff if you haven't yet!



Bloudin Ruo

Oh, well, fuck Ru! How do you do this so quickly?! Seriously, your skills have come so far in such an incredibly short amount of time! I -was- going to suggest a Gale/Blue animation for January, maybe now it can be an in-frame continuation of this where Blue flips Gale around and over... So many possibilities! Small little loops like this are why I definitely want to get a model from you someday. Being able to bang out (ha!) a short loop for an idea would be such an amazing option to have. Or to get an animation of Morning Milking Routine, as it's still one of my most beloved commissions ever! I'm still just so blown away how this is 'spare time' quality. Simply incredible :3


It wasn't my plan when I set them up, but the monthly animations have proven to be a very efficient boot camp for improving my animating speed. The options were either get faster or spend all my time animating, so I guess I got faster. x3 I guess I'll have to keep this scene around in case it turns up again next month, heh. I'm starting to really enjoy making short little loops like this. It doesn't take much more time to put together than a cleaned up and simply coloured sketch does (once the models are made of course) but you get an animation for the effort instead of a simple doodle! It's a fun way to get ideas out into the world for sure. When we finally get you a model made, we shall indeed have to do many. :P Thanks man!


Beautiful man. May I request a version with visible Cage and Balls? <3


Probably not on this exact animation, but I'm willing to bet we'll see these two together again before too long and I'll try to make things more visible when the time comes!


Gah! I Love these two and their relationship so much! They're wholesome kinky, my fav kind of kinky!

Disappointed Frieza

Gale is one of my favorites. Love to see more.