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Thought y'all might be curious to see the changes side by side. We've certainly come a ways since I made the first version, haven't we?

So the model is effectively complete, barring some final tweaks and touchups. This raises the question... what the heck do I do with this guy? He didn't really exist long enough to turn into a character, he was just kind of a body I did stuff with.

I have two main ideas. The first one being, I don't really have any masculine, mainly submissive males. I tend to like either big hulky dommy snarly males (see: BFCT, or Wolfguy), or tiny little twink femboy subby males (see: Gale, Adhina, Lizard Slave Boy). He could fill the gap as a relatively masculine guy that just happens to like the submissive side of things.

Alternatively, I have been wanting a character with mind-controlly powers for hypno-smut, and I feel like none of my other characters really fit the bill, but there's nothing in this guy's backstory that says it can't be him. Pretty much the only thing he's done is get blown by the lizard slave so it works fairly well, hah.

What do you all think? On the one hand, he could fill an interesting character niche I don't have otherwise.... on the other hand, that mind-control smut tho. Hrmm. It's worth noting though, that if it isn't this guy I'll probably just have to make a character to be the mind contolly powers character, and that could be interesting too.

His dick is still too big. I tried to balance it out by making his balls a little bigger but I think that only made things worse. x3 I think I'll have to tone it down just a touch.

Anyway, lemme know your thoughts, where would you like to see this guy?




would love to see these models playing with the big black cat. Ideally them being bottom for him.


I like both ideas, and ask if someone who likes to be submissive could not also do hypnosis things? I do not see why he could not fit both, unless you have specific things in mind for the hypno smut... but if I had to choose between new sub or new hypnosis, I would choose hypnosis, just barely over new sub.


I thought about mentioning this in the description, probably should have, heh. There's no reason it can't exist aside from personal preference- if I make a mind controlly character I'd just rather them dominate the heck out of the smaller submissive little creatures I pair them up with. S'what I'm into I suppose. :P

Eddie SanHusky

Yeah, much more refined than the original version. I think he'd do well as a Syandene dungeon toy XD


My vote is for being the hypnosis character, but I think he should be a Switch. Have him sometimes be submissive and sometimes dominant, using his powers to have fun in both spaces while everyone else doesn't realize which he prefers and is slightly mysterious to them

Shira Wolven

I vote subby guy! He’s got a service top vibe about him


I thought about that, and it's definitely an interesting take for sure! I just think I might prefer my hypno character, whoever it ends up being, to stay on the dommy side of things. Mind control is just such a delicious level of power to have over someone else, it'd be a shame not to take full advantage of it! :P

Bloudin Ruo

"His dick is still too big" is a phrase not commonly uttered in furry, ha. I'll answer your question with a question--Do you want to give him mind-control/hypnosis powers, or would you rather make something different and/or new for those? That vein of content opens up design options that otherwise might be a little too crazy for a 'normal' character, so I don't want you to use that card up on Runo when you have a specific idea kicking around up there in that awesome imagination of yours :) That being said, if it's no problem either way (and I see above that you don't want him to occupy both roles, and I totally get that--Big dom on small sub with total domination via hypnosis and mind-control is uber hot), just go with what feels right! As for my personal preference, I'd say keep Runo as the big subby boy. It just feels a little more 'right', if that makes sense. And then really let loose on making something straight out of the dark fantasy side of your imagination for the dominant and big hypnosis character. I know the niche for those are reptilian, but they don't have to be! Canine, equine, cervine, anything-ine. Do you already have a starting point in mind, or even a preference for a character with those types of powers and personality? As for the model update here, woof what a difference ha. Your models always looked great, from my perspective, but man, that doesn't mean they can't be improved upon, eh? The shorter legs definitely put him into a more submissive body style, plus the way you do eyes nowdays are sooo seductive, ha. His fluff is looking a lot better too, there's been quite a few iterations between then and now! He looks incredible, and I can't wait to see him bound up and railed <3


I'm kiiinda leaning toward subby myself, for similar reasons as the ones you mentioned. The main advantage of making him the hypno guy is I could start doing hypno stuff right away, whereas I have to think of a character and then make a character before I can start doing hypno stuff if I go with the other scenario. But the advantage there is I can build them from the ground up to be a hypno character if I do that, really build that dangerous mind-controlly look into them, and that's probably better in the long run. That said, I'm not super strongly leaning in either direction, hence the post here about it. I was curious how people would lean, if folks seemed generally hyped about it one way or the other I might have gone for it. So far seems pretty split though, so unfortunately the choice might still come down to me. x3 Anywho, thanks! Glad you like how he's lookin'. :D I'm looking forward to putting him in something soon, hopefully! I gotta slow down a little, making "new" characters faster than we can use them. xD


Not a fan of overendowed males (or females or anything in between). As soon as they're "too big" or disproportionate, it's not an interesting character any more; it's merely a poor caricature of meat, not a depiction of a person with desires and fears and feelings. For me, such a character is not "if some is good, more is better"; it's distortion. That's how I see it. Others' mileage is guaranteed to vary. Submission is a state of mind, not body.


I think my description may have been a little unclear there, those were entirely separate trains of thought. There should probably have been some indication of that but I tend to just blather everything in my brain into the post and just send it without much formatting thought, hah. In my mind the size of his junk and his dom/sub status are entirely separate things. Just two things I happened to be considering at the same time. Also regardless of where he ends up, you may be happy to know I scaled him down a bit. He's still pretty big, but a little less unreasonable now. :P All that being said, at the present moment he kind of is just a caricature of meat right now- he's a blank slate, a body awaiting a personality. That's why I made this post, I was curious what kind of personality people pictured for this body! When I don't have a solid idea of things myself, it's fun to see what other people think. :P

Jo (FuzzyDerg)

Hmmm, granted this is kind of a side tangent but, have you considered making a 3D Hypnolizard? They’re relatively common in your traditional 2D work so it’s curious that they haven’t manifested here yet (unless I missed one somewhere, slippery little things…).


I have, but I don't have a great quadruped rig yet, it's rather tricky to animate the few quads I've made so far so I haven't been super eager to make another. It's also not my favorite form of hypno, believe it or not. It's fun enough mind you, I don't hate that people have taken a liking to them at all, but originally they were meant to be a one-and-done idea and it was the community that made them take over moreso than me. My personal preference for mind control are some big scary dommy bastard forcing their will upon some smaller hapless creatures. It's dark but delicious. x3

Dark End

"I think he should be a hypno wolf," said the hypno wolf.


Haha, there may be a slight hint if bias here perhaps. Just a touch. :P


I've always felt that hypnosis works much better with lizard characters, although I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe that's entirely Hypnolizard's fault! Regardless, wolfy-boy here doesn't really strike me as the kinda guy who has hypnosis powers.

Screw the Shadow Walker

He looks sassy, hmm, maybe the subtle suggestions could talk characters into what he wants them to do, I could see that. But I still think he's better off as a character in-between so you can have more variable content. And yes, scaling down his bits seems appropriate :D he doesn't have to be intimidating. I think he would be a perfect switch. Taking and enjoying a good pounding, but taking the dom for a spin as he's getting close :P


Love the idea of a masculine sub! I’m sure he could be really popular either way though.


There's not anything about this character that says "I have inherent hypno powers" to me, so perhaps he'd be reliant on watches or collars and such for that sort of thing. So I guess it's down to how much you like props versus designing another character with visual cues. Come to think if it, you don't have any characters with glowy bits. Maybe it's time to give it a shot?


Love the idea of him being an 'unwilling' masculine sub <3 New model does look really great! I know it's ultimately personal preference but loss of knot feels like a bit of a downgrade. Don't know how difficult it is to do but maybe have a couple of versions, one with, one without? Love your work man, keep it up ^^

Travis Sebastian

A masculine character who is submissive with a feminine heart, who wishes to be able to crossdress in female outfits? Maybe put him in a French maid uniform with corset. Have him strapped down and attached to a milking machine (make him a "milk maid") while he services a male. Perhaps the lucky male that is being sucked could be Gale, who on this rare occasion is taken out of his chastity cage.


I'd definitely be down for a more submissive manly male. Perhaps he could even go into the powerbottom territory, or even size queen space if you want to make him special.


" His dick is still too big. " Somewhere a furry felt a disturbance in the Force. It was as if someone said something impossible within the fandom . . . . .


I think subby would be better in this case. Hypno is cool and all but I’ve been craving sub smut


Hah, well good news, that's what I ended up going with! There's some sub smut on the way as we speak... Hypno-character will still come later though!


How about a true switch? Someone who can fit whatever need the situation calls for? For design, I like the new one but like how the brown pattern on the chest was wider and less fluffy on the old one, and maybe a little less feminine through the waist and hips.


That's sorta where he'll end up. He'll likely lean subby, but can dom on occasion. So maybe not a pure switch, but... switchy? :P I'm still thinking about the pattern of his red fluff myself, it might get a tweak in the future!