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  • Demo0001-4247.mp4



*Evil laughter* (See attached: There's filth in this one, honest! Watch past 15 seconds to see what's up)

So what's going on here? Lemme explain. When you first load the "game" it'll play a quick intro video and then hold on an loop (neither of which are implemented yet) while it waits for you to press play and pick an action. When you pick a selection it'll play a transition scene (also not yet implemented) and then jump into a basic loop of the selected action. It'll start rolling random numbers once per loop (bottom left, the numbers that keep popping up), and if the RNG rolls higher than a given chance (middle right, labeled "Base video clip chance, currently set quite low for demo purposes) it'll play a random variation on the base action on the next loop. However, I have it set not to play variations immediately after switching scenes or playing a variation, which is why we don't see a variation for the first few loops despite rolling higher than 10 a few times. 

Put more basically, the program plays whatever loop you ask it to with some variations thrown in on occasion for spice. :D

When I first got these less-placeholdery-still-placeholder videos done and imported into unity, they didn't loop smoothly at all and I have to admit it induced a bit of panic. Everything else was looping fine but the new videos refused to, having a big laggy stutter on each loop, and I couldn't see anything in the code that would cause it. After a few hours of poking around, I figured it out- unity is actually just really picky about the video format, and I had exported these slightly different from how I did the placeholders. So, just gotta be real careful with the video formats and it seems to work. Actually loops more smoothly in my program than in my actual video players, hah!

So! That's what I did today. Thought y'all might wanna see my progress on this... thing. Now that I've proven to myself it works with real video clips, I can truly get down to the business of animating for real.





Smut. Pr0n. Adult content. Pick whichever rubs you the right way! Watching the video should elucidate what I mean. :P


You said filth and i thought like scat... im like what


Not -that- level of filth. I'm into the good, wholesome kinds of filth. x3




Neat! Machine->Cat, too? :3


I'm not sure what you're asking... but I do like pairing machines and cats in general, yes!

Bloudin Ruo

Okay now this, this is cool! I love the idea of random chance of getting a variation and having each one be randomly selectable, that is a really cool and easy way of implementing it! Absolutely nice work there, Ru. Definitely a very robust system! Can you imagine how awesome it could be to one day have a huge game with every animation, variation and option available from a main menu screen like this? That would be incredible (and probably a huge file, and a lot of work to do... But incredible!)

James Dawes

Very nice! I really love where this is going. Can't wait to see more


Thanks! :D Yeah, with the way these are video files and not just game models swapping out animations, the file size would quickly explode with too much stuff. Even what I'm already planning will probably be fairly big. But I've got ideas for other interactive stuff I could do if people end up enjoying this!


Looks awesome ! Keep up the good work ! :p I guess the reason that you only use videos and not directly the game engine with animations is the same reason I bumped into ? Mine is because the furr in unity isn't exactly nice. If it is a subject that interest you though, Daniel Zeller (https://twitter.com/zellah) is working on some furr addon for unity that looks absolutely gorgeous, and the perks of having animations in a game scene would be awesome : realtime rendering, different camera angles without rerendering... But I guess you already know :) Still, looks amazing can't wait for moar :)


The biggest reason is that I just don't have any models that are designed for game-engine use and I didn't want to spend a bunch of time making/converting them to work in Unity before even knowing if I had the coding skills to make this work, hah. This was just the lowest barrier to entry for me trying this idea out. That said, things would definitely look much less appealing without all the fluff, so I'm reluctant to start trying to make game-ready models anyway. That said, that addon does look interesting! Might be some potential in that. Very neat.


I guess that make sense. But if I remember correctly, your models aren't that high in poly count ?if it is, if there's barely only those models, it could be ok. Not optimisted for sure, but it would do. The biggest challenge would be the skeleton and facial animation, but i don't think it would be too hard. but yeah, i get that it can be annoying to go through these steps all over again x) i did too


It's not really the poly-count, it's the fur. My models take a few minutes per frame to render in Blender, I can't imagine them running real time in Unity. x3


Well, I'm staying tuned for the addon I showed you. When It's released, I'll try it out and will keep you updated about it, to see if it's worth it or not :) It's the best thing I saw for unity in terms of fur for awhile