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I'm a lil' slow to get to posting this here because I've been working on the monthly painting, but better late than never, heh. But at least I can link to this one!


Hope ya like!


Bloudin Ruo

Oh right, no bondage! Should have saved my huge-ass comment for here ha. Well anyways, its great and I'll take the opportunity to tell you that again on here! Nice work Ru :)


I just adore that bird character ;)


It's rare but it happens! x3 Honestly I'm on FA more than here so leaving your giant comments there is just fine with me, though really it's no big deal either way. Just saying, I'm platform agnostic when it comes to receiving praise, ha! Thanks man. :3.

Jo (FuzzyDerg)

To me the water looks a bit odd, like it’s moving too fast and so makes the whole thing feel somewhat sped up? I’m curious how it might look with the timestep of just the water sim per frame decreased so the ripples take a bit longer to propagate. In any case it’s a fun piece though, sorry if that came across as overtly negative ^^;


Putting them in a pool was pretty ambitious, what with water animation, etc. Still really good. BFCT pinning her hands there near the end is great.