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As always there are some intriguing ideas here, will be interesting to see how the vote goes!



Wow, a Lot of nice ones this month. For the horny plantgirls it's really open. Some dryad (green fox/mouse/raccoon dryad) banging a hiker, or two dryads going at it, or a dryad using vines and a cocksucker flower on a gardener...

Jo (FuzzyDerg)

Darn, I would have been very curious to see your take on plant girls Ru. Don't think I've seen you do anything like that before.


Welp. My two choices are in the two last places.


As much as I love the deer tribe, it would be nice to see something different for a change.


Yeah... personally I'm enjoying it, but I admit it may be getting a little out of hand. I generally like to just stay out of the whole process and let the pieces fall where they may, but I think I may have to step in and not allow that theme after this month, at least for a little while! Give people a break, heh.


I think it's tasteless given sordid history wolf culls to "save the deer" (that are still ongoing), but for my own sanity I'm going to continue suggesting the script flips for the next 8 months or until an equal number of pieces get made. Commissions are closed, so this is the only course of action.


Script flip gets 2nd place again, huh? Well, 3rd time could be the charm. Or 4th through 8th.


same, i enjoy ru art in all forms but it would be nice to see something different--personally the deer tribe does nothing for me. the Expanded Ru Universe has so many different intriguing properties that would be fun to see someday! ah well.


I don' t mind if you want to keep suggesting it 'till it wins, but I'd ask that you maybe give it a few months before bringing it up again. If that's the only reason you're here I won't be offended at all if you hop off until then! But people are clearly starting to get a little fatigued of the whole situation so I think I'd rather just look for entirely different ideas for at least the next few months.


Nesting comments on the Patreon app seems to be a bit sketchy so I apologize in advance to the fellow who made the parent comment for having to read this. If I were a conspiracy theorist I'd probably say something really selfish like "gosh, these 'special cases' and 'practice doodles that became something more' sure seem to be aimed at shutting down anything depicting this conflict in any light that isn't favorable to deer". But I'm not, I'm just a rando on the internet who's not entitled to anything, so I'll use numbers to justify dying on this silly hill. While it's true that a vocal minority, myself included, are tired and beyond of the theme, the statistics indicate there's plenty of demand. 14% more votes were cast in this month versus the prior and have created a year-to-date peak. The theme and its reversal occupy 39% of the vote. In fact, you've gained at least 5 patrons since this vote started (I didn't pay as much attention to this but I think it started at 397). Now, I have no empirical evidence to prove this next bit, but in my experience when you explore niche themes like this one it naturally attracts people who have strong opinions about it. "If you build it, they will come" as the saying goes. You have built it, and they have come. Of course, this is your Patreon and you can run it as you like. I like your style, especially your 3D work, so if you want to furlough anything to do the theme I'll stick around and change gears, reduce my commitment maybe.

Evily Arts

Dang, only one vote behind lol


Typically, whenever I decide I'm going to start on it, heh. Sometime within the next week or so I'd say.


The wolf hate is strong, but they'll get their chance at avenging the torture and atrocities committed against their people even if it takes the next decade.


To be clear, I don't think anybody here hates wolves... hell, the guy who started this whole thing and regularly suggests new ideas for it represents himself as a wolf. I think a big chunk of my patrons just happen to like dark fantasy and wolves happened to be one of the players involved, that's all!


Well I was speaking more to the deer tribe as I can't read people's minds. I could say something about the exact wording of the very first prompt, but again, I'm not a conspiracy theorist.


aww, it keeps getting outvoted by one. lol. too bad patreon doesn't have ranked choice voting! i feel like my votes are wasted for this very serious poll!11


Tied again :) You mean like, an instant-runoff-voting system where your first choice gets 3 votes, second gets 2, and so on? Some other artists that I...patronize? am a patron of? have done that with multiple polls, sometimes giving higher tiers more votes, but it does make tracking nail-biting results a bit more difficult.

Evily Arts

This poll is still at the top of my patreon feed. Looked like the punished doe was about to pull off a one vote lead for a bit and then it ties up again lol


I've never seen a vote battle back and forth quite as hard as this one has!


If she's being punished, she's doing a really bad job of showing it ;) Hmm...Punished Doe sounds like a Metal Gear character. Like I said before, dark topics draw strong opinions and thanks to the spoiler effect that first-past-the-post voting brings, the polarization is very strong. Every new patron since at least #397 has voted for one or the other. And I must say that even though I had my doubts at the beginning, I am grateful for the votes, whether they are genuine or driven by a desire to see something different.

Bloudin Ruo

Dang, just one vote difference! Will have to hang on to the runner-up for another month in the future ^^ Was a fun race!