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I've always assumed that my Patreon is just sort of a subset of my FA followers, but I've been told in the past that's not necessarily true so I'm going to toss this up here as well- apologies if you're seeing the advertising twice!

That said, a publisher contacted me wanting to make physical copies of The Fluffer and so we did and now that's a thing you can get, if you're into such things.

It's pretty much just the comic as you know it but on paper, but it does have digitized hand writing so it's much more legible.

If that's your sort of thing, details and a link to preorder can be found here. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/41037299/

And while I'm here, thanks everyone! Even if few people end up wanting it, it's a pretty cool thing that it exists at all. Never thought my work would end up in print, even a small run like this, and it only exists thanks to all your support and putting up with me dragging it out over a few years, haha.

Guess I should start thinking about another one, huh? I've kinda had it in my head that the 'failed hunt' universe could be ripe for some comic-ifying....



*goes and finds out how to buy cause I needs it* This I hadn’t expected this either like you mentions and now I’m very much interested as I think it would be amazing having something that fun to hold.


Aw, thanks dude! :D I hope you enjoy it! I'm super biased, but seeing the test print they made for me was definitely super cool.


I wasn't expecting this to happen but I was honestly hoping it would happen. Happy 2021!


how awesome that is, just having the opportunity to see it in paper form makes my heart beat faster. You have to be really happy RU, My congratulations ^^


Before I forget, your idea with "Failed hunt". Yes please, just YES, a comic would be a dream 😍

Anonymous Donator

I'm on FA too, but I don't read journals there. Posts here come as emails, which I totally read. :3

Bloudin Ruo

Oooooh I didn't even think of the Failed Hunt universe as a comic! That would be absolutely super cool! You immediately have my full support for that idea! I really wish I could just give you a big hug, Ru. This is one of those "But getting printed material is only for big successful artists, why is my stuff getting printed?" moments where you realize you've climbed to the level of the people you looked up to many years ago :) Huge congrats, we're all here for ya!


I have no problem with getting messages like these both here and FA


Ahh, good to hear! I kinda hate advertising anything as a general rule, so it feels especially icky to do it in multiple places. But hearing it's not a bother is a relief. :P


It might be something I look into sometime. I think I need to improve my drawing speed before I think about doing another comic, I'm just so slow at it right now that it's a real problem, heh. But hey, thanks man! It's been an adventure for sure, it's cool to see it come to something of actual substance at the end of it!


Ooh, well that's cool to hear. Definitely happy I could make it happen. :D Thanks!


Aw, thanks! :D And yeah, the world definitely has lots of story telling potential, just need a break from that longer form comic stuff first. But I'll give it some thought!.


It was actually a post rather than a journal, but hey either way as long as it's not a bother I'm happy. :P

Bloudin Ruo

I'd definitely say take some time away from comic responsibilities for a few months or more, let yourself unwind, maybe take some commissions (Which you are!) and just generally have a bit of a break, ha. You could even think about doing a comic using digital media instead of traditional, but I don't know how that sits with you. Some pros and cons. Just something to think about!