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I sneakily dropped this in the last post on FA but I figured I should share it here in full. You may have noticed I haven't done much with the Gale model for a long time, and that's cause it's kinda bad and I don't like it. So I made a new one! Sorta. An in-betweeny one.

I suddenly realized a day or two ago that the male bondagefox model I made is just about the perfect shape to make a lil' gale out of, so I went about the business of de-bondagifying him, re-uv-unwrapping and texture painting him, and adding in some fur. And here's what I came up with!

It's not super accurate... the bondagefox models have four big cartoony fingers on each hand where gale is supposed to have five more slender fingers, and the chastity device is of a different design, but I figure an inaccurate gale model I'll actually use is better than an accurate-er one that I hate. Plus, a lot of the bondage gear from the bondagefox model carries over! They'll need some tweaking to work with all his fluff, but that shouldn't be too big a job. That means we could see gale prancing around in some pony gear which is kind of a funny thought, hah.

Some day I should probably go through and make gale his own proper accurate model, but this is a good middle step until I feel inspired to do that.




What is that weird silver waistband


He's wearing a chastity belt rather than just the cage we usually see him in. Mainly because that's what the model he came from had. I'll fix it up at some point but haven't gotten around to it yet.

Bloudin Ruo

Aw yay! More Gale is always a good thing in my book. He's definitely one of my favorite returning characters! So I've noticed this on your other canine models but this new Gale view displays it very pointedly--It feels as if his bits are a liiitle too low on his abdomen. I know its more down to a stylistic rendition, but I would be remiss in my duty to you if I didn't mention it for your review. I feel as if moving them up, sheath balls and all, up by one 'sheath length' would be a positive thing. Your thoughts?


Yeah, that's been getting pointed out a lot lately. Apparently something I'll really have to pay attention to in the future. I'm not entirely sure I can fix it on this model, but I might take a quick look soon.


The new gale looks much cuter now

Eddie SanHusky

Yay! More Gale is always good, even if not entirely accurate!


For some reason I hadn't noticed that the bondage fox only had four fingers


Gale is dangerously cute!

Matthew Wensink

Gale is my favorite little chaste foxy.