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I dunno what the heck happened, but over the last month or so there's been a big surge in support over here. I don't know what brings you all over here but, uh, thanks!

I don't know, I don't actually have much to say, it just felt wrong to sit there silently while this upsurge happened. So thanks for all the support, it helps me make more cool filthy things for you all! :D

The monthly painting for this month is well underway, I think y'all are going to like it. At least, if you liked the last several. There's been a bit of a pattern going on lately. x3

Also I've got something kiiiinda neat planned for next month. At least, I think it's kinda neat, I'm curious to see if anyone will be interested... if you like my animations it might be something to look forward to, we'll see. But for now I'll get back to bringin' on the filth! Thanks guys!



You deserve all that support <3


I came to support after seeing your most recent comic.


Oh, very cool! I do have more comic ideas we may be seeing in the future- once I take a little break from 'em, heh.

Skeleton Man

I saw the art posted on e621 and just had to become a patreon!


Well thank yas, very much appreciated! I might have to make a point of posting more of my stuff there, hah.

Bloudin Ruo

Hey I'm always a fan of you getting the support and recognition you deserve! Interesting that even the tail-end pages of Fluffer have garnered attention, just goes to show that even the older works still draw people in! Very excited and curious to see what neato things you have planned~


Despite your modesty, your 3D work is easily among the best I've seen in the furry community, hands down. I look forward to seeing more of it!


I share the 3D animations you did for me with everyone I dare, so I'm doing my part to spread the love of Ru <3


You wanna know what happened? Gamestonks happened. :)


I'm not sure that really counts as an older work, just a continuous one. People never stopped asking me about that one, apparently the story of a fox after some horse meat is an instant classic. x3 I'm glad people enjoyed it though, such as it is!


Aw, that's very kind, thank you! Definitely lots more on the way!


Oh, that's awesome! Well thank yas, I hope they've been enjoying them. :D


Just leaving the question hanging like that is a little ominous. x3 But yeah, I'm curious!

Summer Vixen

If I had to guess, I'd say it's because of all the latex fans you roped in. x3 Your art is amazing!!


My theory is that your animation has crossed some threshold of quality and that it's roping people in. Just a guess tho, I've been here since the "traditional Ru filth" days.


Especially since you even started to roll out those 3D works, you're seriously one of the best, if not the best artist in the fandom nowadays Imho. Glad to see you're getting the recognition you deserve. For real I'd definitely recommend start building up the portfolio if you haven't yet. Like seriously those traditional artworks of yours were beyond impressive already but I honestly see the potential.


Indeed, you have been around for quite a while. Well thanks for the long time support! :3


Ooh, that's quite the compliment, thank you! I still have much to learn in that area but I'm happy people seem to be liking my efforts so far. :3 Not sure what I'd do with a portfolio though, I don't plan to try and get a job anywhere anytime soon. Not much else I'd rather be doing than making filth as it is. x3


Aw, thanks! :P Heh, I wouldn't be surprised if there's one of two of them kicking around now. I do have to admit, I'm pretty pleased with how those models are turning out!