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Have I ever mentioned I have an interest in making games? It's something I always thought was kind of interesting, but I never got around to experimenting with it because it just seemed such a daunting task to get into.

That was until I started getting half decent at making models and animating, and I realized that I actually now have most of the skills I need to make a game myself. I have some art skills, I can model and animate, I have some meager musical skills... not much, I wouldn't be making -good- music, but I could make something that resembles music with some effort. The only thing I didn't know how to do was coding.

Once that realization hit me I just couldn't stop thinking about it, so one day I finally got Unity, got some cheap courses on coding, and got to work tinkering around. I then promptly gave up because I couldn't get anywhere with it.

It was a bit deflating to be honest, heh. I like to think I'm at least a little clever, but I couldn't seem to even leave the starting line with coding. I couldn't make sense of what we were doing; I'd follow the motions but I wasn't really taking anything in. It continued like this for a while... I'd get frustrated and do other stuff, but it wouldn't leave my mind so I'd come back, flail around with learning C# for a bit, get frustrated, do other stuff some more, rinse repeat...

But recently I realized what my issue was. Two problems, really. First of all, I didn't have any kind of goal I was excited about reaching with coding. It was just this huge mountain and I was standing there at the base of it looking up like "...uuuugh." I'm a very goal oriented person I think, if I have a goal I want to accomplish I'll drive myself mad striving for it, but if I'm just trying to get stuff done for the sake of it I tend to flounder.

Second problem was that I was approaching the learning process too... academically. The courses... they helped a bit, but I don't think I've learned a single damn thing in my life in a classroom setting. Having someone talk at me just isn't how I learn. I was just going to have to jump in there and bang my head against the wall until the red juices of progress start flowing out of my head.

Knowing I needed a goal to keep my interest,  I whipped up and rigged a -very- quick polygonal wolf guy to the the test subject. We're talking lightning round stuff here- a normal model can take around 3 weeks to get done, this guy was completely modeled and rigged in a few hours, hah. I made some quick walking/running/idle animations for him, and I was set. Now I was excited- the idea of seeing my little wolf dude running around, seeing my animations doing their job, that had me eager to make process. It's always a damn cool feeling seeing your animations come to life after all, and I wanted it!

Once that was all set, I spent probably a total of two days, spread out a bit, on figuring out how to make the fucker move. It didn't come easy, but after enough googling I'm sure to single-handedly put strain on google's servers  combined with my unhealthy obsession to make progress (I was going to do some art stuff today, just wanted to tinker a bit first, but when nearly 10pm had rolled around and I was still working and I noticed still hadn't even had breakfast, well....) I finally got somewhere. I'm finally starting to actually get some of this coding stuff, I'm pretty sure I learned more in these last two days than I did in weeks of trying to use video lessons.

And that brings us to the attached video! For you guys it's going to be painfully boring I suspect. It's just a shitty polygonal wolf guy walking around for a few seconds. But it works, and I did it all myself, and that's super exciting so I'm sharing it here, fuck you. xD

Thank you for coming to my Ted-Talk. Now that we've reached the end, what do y'all think... would a Ru-made game stuffed with fuzzy critters be cool or what?

And does anyone here dabble in C#/unity and have any advice on how to not suck as much? :P



Hey! I know I'm just a random patreon supporter but if you ever want unity help I can offer it! I'm about to graduate with a degree in computer science and game design :3


That's really impressive, it moves very smoothly


That would be super awesome actually! I think I'm still too new to even have useful questions at this point, unless you somehow have a quick and easy answer for "How do I code a whole game?" x3 But it would be nice to have someone to go to if I run into roadblocks in the future, for sure!


Hey, thanks! Took a long time to sort out all the kinks... there was a period of time where he'd fall through the floor every time I jumped that I couldn't quite figure out. x3 But I'm finally making progress!

Drages Animations

Hey. Heh its nice to see you are up for gaming now. As you are a great artist, modeler and animator, I think you can hire help from outside rather then trying to learn and handle the coding part. One man army is slow and annoying mostly. With a good coder, you can consantrate on what you like to do too.

Jo (FuzzyDerg)

I might also be interested in helping out. I’m a professional game developer with a few years of Unity experience. Note sent with more info :)


Naw, you don't understand. One man army is what I live for. It is the most satisfying thing in the world to me to look back at something cool and realize I did -every part of it-. Working with other people can be fun too in it's own way, but I just love doing it all even if it's slower and harder and dumber. :P

Bloudin Ruo

Well, I had this whole thing typed out, wanting to give some words of caution towards what game design actually is like once you get past the initial fun design phase. In lieu of that, I'll say this: It's a lot of tedium work. Lots of small things to fix. Optimization, memory leaks, unknown errors. Many hours chasing down something small, buried in thousands of lines of code, and the only one who will ever know the effort, skill and knowledge required to fix it will be yourself. If that sounds like your kind of ball game, then I think you'd do really well at coding. There are some very successful self-taught programmers out there that have created amazing things. Most of the time when you talk about classroom game design instruction, it imparts less of the practical skills and more of the managerial side. How to keep a team on track, how to manage your own time, how to set up a project and see it through to completion from a corporate standpoint. Coding instruction can be different, and is more focused on the practical skills of it. But at the same time, the volume and breadth of knowledge and applicability is so enormous that an instructor is going to have their way of doing things and that's what they're going to teach, when there's hundreds or thousands of ways to accomplish the same goal. I feel like aside from the basics, it's much better to forge ahead on your own and seek out instruction that is relevant to you at the moment, rather than trying to complete an unrelated curriculum that may or may not contain information that you'll use. Personally, I would love to have a Ru-made game. I would pay for it, in addition to my monthly pledge. You have the entire art side made out already, you know how to rig and animate, you can create whatever assets you want and make them do whatever you want. That's a big hurdle for a lot of programmers. So if you can learn to code, and to create your own systems, you can become a one-man army, so to speak. I would say look at Fek's "Rack 2" game, and -most importantly- how he keeps track of bugs, tasks, to-do's, etc. When you're managing your own project, it's easy to get lost in the fun stuff and ignore the important things like bugs and accessibility, which is where a lot of the magic wears off. Everyone wants to 'design' a game but not many people actually want to 'make' a game. For example, say you want someone to name their character. Simple, right? Wrong. Does the user input box have a character limit? What about special characters, ALT+ ASCII characters, foreign typefaces? What about someone wanting to input a different language like Korean or Chinese? Do you have a specific catch statement for a blank input? These are just the beginning questions about user reliability, for just inputting a character name. I come from a robotics background but my university had a very large game design department, so I got a bit of exposure to that, and have gone through the general C++/C# classes and have used C# in my workplace from time to time. If you have questions, all you have to do is ask, and don't let this get you down about the prospect of coding your own game. I think you have the mentality to both enjoy it and be good at it! But it's important to know what lies beyond the fanfare, too.


Tedium is kinda my life. It's what I live for. x3 I think one of the reasons I had such success with learning modelling is because if I'm trying to do something and it's not looking great or working out how I want it to, I'm willing to sit there and just pick at it until it does. For -days- if necessary. I've lost days at a time just fiddling with my armature trying to sort out some wonky movement, or making tiny changes to some model that I'm not quite satisfied with the look of, staring at it for a while, then tweaking it some more... that sort of 'wade through the muck 'till it's as good as it can get' seems to come somewhat naturally to me. Heck, I had the guy moving around yesterday, almost all of today was just sorting out jumping. I couldn't figure it out at first, and when I finally got a jump that went up -and- down (that was exciting!) I couldn't stop it from continuing to go down forever, haha. I think I lost like eight hours on that one problem... I guess what I'm saying is, I won't know for sure until I give it a shot, but I think I'm fairly suited to this kind of work if I can just get a grasp on it. But I guess we'll see! Thanks though! Lots of folks around here seem to have experience with this sort of thing, I think I'm in good hands if I ever need help! :P


If you need any kind of programming help at any point we'll be here for you :)


Great job on the progress you've made thus far!


It’s probably been mentioned in the mountain of comments above but this is exactly how you actually learn to program. Find a realistic/small goal and just figure it out. This seems an obvious conclusion given your new skills now that you’re come out with it. Feel like I should have seen this coming! Good job!


"I'm a very goal oriented person I think, if I have a goal I want to accomplish I'll drive myself mad striving for it, but if I'm just trying to get stuff done for the sake of it I tend to flounder." It kinda shows. (Looking at you, The Fluffer. ;) ) As someone with ADD, I can relate to this really badly. The Shiny New Thing you're excited about has immense gravity, and it makes *finishing* a thing hard because after a certain point, it's no longer exciting and new, it simply needs to be grinded to the finish.


Not C#/Unity specifically. But I can tell you this much: you probably want to comment your code more than you think, so that if you leave the project for a few days/weeks/months and come back, you can figure out what the hell you were doing.


Can't say I have anything to offer but my support! I really like the movement of the little guy. As always you tackle the little details, like the motion of the tail, in a way that looks so very fluid and natural. I hope this goes somewhere!


That's very good, keep up doing what you love.


Ha, ya got me. That's actually exactly what I was planning on working on until... this happened. It can be a lil' tough sometimes to see things through to the end, for sure. But the silver lining is that when you -are- interested in something, nothing in the damn world is going to hold you back from it, which can prove useful for kickstarting projects that other people would give up on early and never come back to. At least, that's the case for me anyway, heh.


Outside of creating a " game ", the Unreal and Unity real time render engines bring with them an alternative to conventional rendering of a scene which can easily take hours, days or even weeks and months to complete depending on how long your animation is. The ability to do real time VR and / or dynamic camera placement is a very nice addition as well. Now, while a full blown game might get a bit crazy scope-of-project-wise, I could see something akin to a pick-your-pairing and scene-selection sort of layout where you effectively choose your partner, environment and scenes which you can then control and watch in real time. While the scenes would be pre-scripted, the camera would / could be dynamically controlled by the viewer.


Different minds understand different tools in different ways. When I see your drawing or your animation, I feel the same way you do when you try to work with coding. Not that you should feel bad about that, mind you. Granted, I'm no good with coding either, but if you're interested in music, I've got a little bit of range to play with. If you're interested in offloading some of the work, anyway. www.soundcloud.com/redtail if you want to take a look. I can make pretty much anything work from hard drum & bass, to floaty, chill synthwave to avant-garde film score.


This is so cool!


I took a quick listen through a few track, very nice! I'm still miles and miles away from actually considering making a game, I'm mostly just trying to figure out how things work at this point, but if I ever get to the point where I'm making an actual game it would definitely be cool to have some community made music in it for sure.


That's an interesting idea I hadn't thought of. If I can ever find a way of modelling real-time-ready models that look appealing I might be able to mess around with something like that! Though at the moment, to be perfectly honest, I'm still super interested in the idea of making a regular game. I know I have a bit of a reputation as a purveyor of all things filth, a reputation I'm certainly pleased with haha, but I like video games too and making one would be super cool! :P


Game dev is awesome! And I'm happy you managed to get the moving done! You should be proud. The thing about coding is that... Well, you never finish learning it. You constantly get better and better, but it's impossible to learn everything there is to it. Setting clear goals and milestones is important. Also, don't compare your coding skills with others. That's pretty much a guaranteed way to demotivate you. Always compare your code now with the code you yourself wrote in the past to see how much you actually improved :) I did some stuff in Unity a while back, am a .Net developer for work, and one of the weirdos that actually managed to develop a passion for programming, so if you ever have a question or two, feel free to hit me up, I love explaining things. (Although I guess by now you probably got enough offers for that already :P) In any case, looking forward to what you'll create in the future!


Oo thats pretty good! ^w^


I have plenty of experience with Unity, although Unreal Engine is more my style. I'd be thrilled to help you out with a game in either of those. I'm not great at the art part of modeling (yet) but I know my way around blender and I can definitely help with optimizing models for realtime and stuff as well.