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Trying to get back to finishing this up... drawing is once again wonky here, I seem to struggle to get back into comic mode when I've been away from it for a while. I should probably just power through this thing to the finish at this point to prevent that being an issue.

Ah well, either way, here's the inks for this page!




Haven’t clicked a notification so fast. Glad to see this comic coming back and bets he won’t be able to walk much after MR hoss is done.


'Wonky' he says. 'Damn hot' I say! Getting pinned by the wrists as horse hips slap away? Yowza.

Bloudin Ruo

Absolutely -love- how big the stallion's hands are compared to Kyle's wrists. My eyes would go wide too if the equivalent of two inches of iron shackles were wrapped around my wrists... Not to mention all that equine weight holding me down... *Sweats*


Vote time?


Good idea! Got a bit distracted, lots of stuff going on all at once, heh.