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After a long day of working on a model I sometimes like to unwind by posing them around a bit, it's fun and can help reveal issues that need to be sorted out. Plus it's nice to have something to post to FA. This one however revealed a few too many issues that I can't quite hammer out tonight- that leg bending around the crotch area is a little iffy.

It bugs me a bit too much to post to FA, but I thought some of y'all might like it if you can ignore that.  Don't be surprised if I revisit a similar pose on FA once I get all the issues sorted out. In the mean time, you guys can be the first to see the new hairstyle I made for her. I'm quite partial to it!

I'm having a silly amount of fun with her colour changing abilities though. Apparently she felt like wearing her fur in more pinkish hues today!

Anyway, hope it amuses y'all.




I should have used a different wording. Too many ways to take the word 'amused'! Hopefully it's a nice way. x3

Bloudin Ruo

Damn Ru! I missed praising your work here, ha. Looks absolutely superb in terms of lighting and quality, yeah there's a few little spots on the model and how things are meshing around but hey, that'll get fixed with time! There's always a solution, it's just a matter of how hard we have to look to find it!


It's definitely been a bit quieter around here, nice to see you back! And thanks! Yeah, I'll hammer out the issues... as many as I can, anyway!