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Another step in the process of creating the model. Got her painted up for the most part! Though I'm still I'll be making tweaks for a while yet, the broad strokes are done. I thought an all-white deer with some blue accents might look nice. It's a pretty common colour palette, but for a reason- it looks nice!

I also decided to add in some clothing and accessories, since she was a bit plain being almost entirely white. The blue and black from the cuffs and corset really spice her up a bit. But I did make everything removable just in case, it can be fun to mix and match clothing pieces. So have a shot of her nude too!

There's still lots of work to do- most obviously she still needs her fur, right now I only have the underlying colours done. I also need to add texture and details to the clothing, some texture for the skin areas, add physics to the floppy bits so they don't stick out straight like they are now, etc. Lots to do, but she's coming along nicely I think!

I may have a bit of a thing for the stockings/gloves/corset combo. Can't help myself, it does it for me.



Bloudin Ruo

Oh wow, I really love how you added in more male traits than just the obvious bits, like the antlers. I personally am really in love with the color palette you chose--a light color with blue accents, which I'm partial to! Really makes things pop without being... Overly colorful. Clean, simple and appealing. Also a fan of the gear, stockings and everything else, especially the cuffs. Looking great, keep it up!

Evily Arts

I'm just so amazed at how good these models turn out and seeing how your characters translate from your art into 3d. Really makes me want to give it a try some day ^v^


I like the outfit!


That's one of my favourite things about this character! The antlers are one of the coolest things about deer-type critters but not getting to put them on the ladies always kinda sucked. But since this character by her very nature blends female and male bits, it was a great excuse to throw them in there. :P The cuffs were a fun process for me because I really felt my progress while making them. I made some cuffs a while back when making my original Syandene model, and it was way harder and took longer and the results aren't as nice. The fact these came together much faster but with more detail and looking better feels good man. x3 Thanks a bunch!


Thanks you! You absolutely should! It's good fun. I won't lie, It's pretty tough and a lot of work, but seeing something go from your imagination, onto the screen and then into motion is a super fun thing. :3


Thanks! It's not super creative or original, basically the same thing my lizard slave is wearing, but it definitely works well every time. x3


Great work on the model, nice detail!