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Unfortunately, looks like someone at the steering wheel of this sight caught wind of my little corner and didn't like what they saw.

I awoke this morning to an email telling me that some of my posts could be potentially seen as non-consensual, and had to go. You'll notice many old posts are now missing.

Now I have to give the folks credit they were pretty nice and respectful about the whole situation, but as far as I can what it boils down to is, if anyone could look at something and potentially see it as non-con, even someone who's not really familiar with the whole BDSM thing, it's not allowed. And as someone who walks along the darker side of BDSM themes, and has an audience that likes that sort of thing, I don't really see how this page can continue. I mean I could try to keep it going as is, but I wouldn't be able to accept a lot of the sorts of painting suggestions y'all usually like to see, or post half the stuff I make anymore, and that's kind of gross.

The line is just a little too fuzzy for me. Unless I have every character who's tied up also smiling like an idiot, someone somewhere could interpret it as non-con, and that's just not a fight I feel like dealing with constantly.

The way I see it, there are basically three options open to me, of which I really only like two. I can try to keep the page going as is but basically eliminate anything that looks even slightly rough. I'd have to either completely eliminate or be very careful accepting suggestions based around bondage and make sure every character tied up in every bondage picture looks super duper consensual. Smiling and giving a thumbs up maybe?

Yeah, no, I don't think so.

So the two real options I see are this. I either close the page down entirely and just be done with it, or leave it open as a sort of 'tip jar' for anyone who wants to throw some support my way, but I wouldn't really be able to post much here anymore. I could still take monthly painting suggestions and such, but I'd just have to post them on FA to avoid issues. Assuming that doesn't also cause TOS issues in some way, heh.  The early access to monthly paintings and WIP stuff would go.  For high-res packs, I guess I'd finally have to get some third party hosting site going, which many of you wanted me to do anyway, and just link it to all of you? Again, assuming that's not also a TOS issue if there's some rough bondage involved.

I dunno. It's all kinda gross. What do you guys think?


Anonymous Donator

I don't blame your for wanting to bail. Just let us know if you go somewhere else! We'll follow.


maybe giant thumbnails that have "consensual" in giant white letters across the center?

Posessed Word Bearer

Hun, just do like others, ratcha, totesfleisch9 etc. Keep patreon, post news, but post content somewhere else, will it be e621, rule 34 or others. You need this patreon reward for job you do.

Posessed Word Bearer

They usually post only acceptive content here, and posting text news about other content and where it can be found. This way your patreon will keep up growing, untill you reach a moment that every good artist wants, look at FEK for example, his game consists of very hardcore stuff, but patreon is $22,943 per month! there is no reason to give up that early hun! keep it going

Andrew Jones

One thing another person is doing is going to a mailing list system, and just mailing out their stories/art. That satisfies Patreon's rules, as they're not hosting it. It seems it's hitting everyone these days. I'm wondering if Patreon really understands how much they're biting themselves in the ass with all this. More of this and furries are going to drop Patreon like a hot potato. Best I've heard, as long as you're not hosting things directly here, they're good.


Follow up pictures showing the camera and film crew that were 'off camera' in the earlier pic? I'd be happy to keep supporting you here.


If you shut down the page then this will happen for me automatically, but if you keep it up then please let me/us know of an alternative means for us to to "tip jar" you so I can either minimize or fully cancel my pledge and send it over to the other method instead. I want to continue supporting you, but without "rewarding" Patreon in the process after this change has negatively affected your page so much.

Carbine Cat

That's really disappointing. I feel for you. It's depressing seeing perfectly good stuff driven out because it's not what the moneymakers want.


I agree with some of the others' suggestions: host offsite and link to them here. You could use an upload service (i.e. MEGA, Dropbox, or some self-hosted option like Owncloud) and just link here, maybe with a password if you're concerned about security.


Sucks, but I'm happy to continue supporting if you can find a way to deal with it.


Shit, Patreon is taking away my porn!


these are spooky times!! I am so sorry that they hit you with this. Have you looked into subscribestar ? seems like a possibly good alternative

Bloudin Ruo

Wow, this... I wasn't expecting this today. My favorite artist getting hit with a huge wrench like this. I'm truly sorry to hear you're having to scramble things up just to meet some arbitrary, personally regulated levels of acceptability. Know that wherever you go, DO NOT give up. Do not let this be the roadblock that makes you stop. The vast majority of your audience here will follow you wherever you go, even so far as to be managing your own subscription service like Rukis does with her Menagerie yearly series. Yes it is a lot of work, but you make the rules there and I'm sure you can find people who would be absolutely willing to help you keep things running (myself included!). As for easy transitions, you could totally look into Primeleap. Blitz and Sefeiren both use it and despite people complaining about it, I've not had anything but good experiences with it so far. It's a 3rd party service that essentially hosts Patreon content and requires a link to a pledge'd Patreon account to allow access, allows you to set tiers and content levels, just like Patreon. It essentially does everything Patreon does but charge for the subscriptions, and AS FAR AS I KNOW, allows content that Patreon itself finds unacceptable. But since you're just linking the Primeleap page on a Patreon post, Patreon itself doesn't have a problem with that. As others have said, linking it on another site in a post is fine, it's when things are hosted on Patreon itself that things start getting difficult. Please don't be afraid to reach out for some assistance, if things start to get overwhelming. We are all here for you and will go where you do!


man why is it always your stuff that gets targeted. i can think of a ton of other artists that have way more questionable material.


Damn, I didn't get a chance to grab the May high-res packages.


At least one other artist I pledged to had to change their entire character roster because something about Nintendo characters was against TOS.

Guri Linus

Are you sure that the email was from Patreon, and not just someone trying to be "helpful"?

Lion Panthera

It's not an ideal solution, but if they're OK with you hosting stuff outside of Patreon, and just linking to it, I'd be OK with that.

Lasse T. Stendan

If you are looking for alternatives to Patreon, SubscribeStar adult (https://subscribestar.adult/) seems to have worked for one of my other creators. There is also this handy guide by ThaumX (https://thaumx.blogspot.com/2019/03/appletree-police-department-warning.html) to help you out.


Hmm, id have to say linking it off site, i know many, MANY patreon accounts (Xspray comes to mind atm) that go a bit beyond the terms of 'consensual' but just send out a monthly package in like a drop box link to there patreons of respective types. Its a crappy and a bit of time waster of a solution, but it would allow this to stay a reward based patreon and not just vanish into a tip jar. Then all the posts could just be "check your inbox" or something


I'm sorry you've encountered this rough situation. I love your art and I want to see you continue and be successful. I would be fine with whatever you choose to do, but the option that seems best from my end is using the third party hosting other commenters have suggested. Please know that even if this is discouraging, we still are all here because we appreciate what you do and I expect most of us would follow wherever ends up being best for you!


I tried to post, and my first comment vanished! This restriction against BDSM art that Patreon is enforcing seems very inappropriate. It's like the people in charge have poor capacities for the differentiation of reality and fiction. I think western society went through a period of abusive parenting that decayed the leadership. We'd be better off if mollycoddled youths ran the country, so to speak.


Yay for yet another age of puritanical outrage.. I'm going to bed, I don't want to deal with today right now =.=


Well that sucks. I can't think of another medium that replaces patrion well enough. I'm more than willing to keep to this page even if it is a tip jar. A private site might be good too but I've no idea what that entails or how financially feasible that is for you. Best of luck. We'll all be there with you. Wherever that may be.


Also I'm not gonna like this post because it doesn't seem appropriate.


Well that's obnoxious. I'm not sure how many feel the same but I don't care about exclusive content. I already view this as a tip jar slash paid suggestion box. Other options would be nice, and it doesn't look like there's a way around 3rd-party hosting, but there's no reason to pull the plug right away.

Summer Vixen

You could keep using Patreon, but just not post the images themselves here. Post links to other image hosting sites instead. You get your Patron's money, Patreon gets their cut, but they don't have to be liable for the image hosting. Would that work? Instead of posting images for patron tiers, you just post links to other sites with that image? Like Pixiv or something?


A lot of people are suggesting to stick around and just link stuff from a third party site. I think I'll give that a try, we'll see how that goes, heh.


Yeah, I think that's probably the game plan. Some point soon I'll start looking into where I want to host stuff!


Unfortunately I feel like it's just the opposite- by not allowing less tasteful content like what I make they probably make it more likely for more sensitive people to not kick up a fuss. It's probably way better for them to just sterilize things than deal with drama. I'll look into hosting stuff elsewhere and linking stuff here, see how that goes!


Thanks man! A lot of people are suggesting I host off-site and just link stuff here, I think I'll give that a whirl and see how it goes. Perhaps we're not quite finished yet!


Thanks man, I really appreciate it! A lot of people have suggested hosting stuff off-site and using Patreon to link it to folks, generally sending messages and that sort of thing. I might be able to keep things working more or less as-is if I do that, so we might not be going anywhere yet. If something major changes I'll be sure to let everyone know though!


Such is the way of the world these days. I can hardly blame a mainstream site for being iffy about hard fetish furry smut, even if it is annoying. :P I don't think I'm going anywhere just yet, going to try hosting off-sit and linking stuff here, we'll see how that goes!


Thanks dude! I think I'll give the suggestion of hosting problem stuff off-site and linking back here. We'll see if they're not bothered by that.


Might be worth looking into if this whole patreon things capsizes, thanks for the heads up! For now I'm going to try hosting off-site and linking stuff back here, see how people feel about that. But if it's a dud, maybe I'll head over there!


It's not the end of the world- even if I somehow completely lose this kind of support it won't destroy me. I'll have to move back to mostly taking on commissions instead of must making cool stuff, but there are worse fates. :P The common suggestions so far has been to host off-site and link back here, so I might give that a whirl. Perhaps something simple like drop-box. I'm not sure. But yeah, assuming patreon doesn't have an issue with that, we may not be out yet!


No worries! I'll find a place to re-host them soon, or if not you can just let me know your email and I'll shoot it your way. :3


Oh yeah, no doubt. There's a bit red banner across the top of my patreon page warning me that some of my content is causing issues. It would be pretty impressive if an outside managed that. :P


Yeah, I think I'll give that a go, seems to be what most people want. I'll let people know as soon as I figure it out!


Hey, thanks for the info! Yeah, if Patreon shits the bed I think I'll probably give subscribestar a shot, but we might not be out yet if they're okay with just linking from offsite. I'm not entirely sure about that, but it might be worth a go.


Yeah, I think I'll look into something like that. I feel like in the long run Patreon won't really like that either, but we can give it a try. x3 I'll let everyone know once I've figured stuff out!


Yup, that seems to be the common response. I'll look into where I can host stuff and hopefully have it all figured out by the end of the month! I'll let everyone know as soon as I do. And thanks man, I really appreciate it!


Yeah, I think you're right there. I'm gonna look into hosting elsewhere and linking back here, see how that goes. Maybe things won't change too much!


Assuming they're alright with that setup, it could work. I'll look into it and let everyone know once I've figured it out!


Honestly, something that I'd like (it would've made my search a lot easier earlier this month), is for suggestions and early access to still be held here, but for the pictures or entire archive to be linked off site so that we may access it. I couldn't tell you how much time I spent going through all these posts so I could grab all the high rez images I could.