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In which a small fox enjoys the fruits of his efforts. 

Actually, he's a bit -too- small here, at least in that lower left panel. He's supposed to be a fairly small guy especially compared to a big horse fella, but it's a bit too much here, even taking into account the fact that it's a bit over exaggerated since the horse is standing and he's sitting which makes the size difference look even bigger. 

Size difference is fun so I don't mind it too much, but don't be surprised if there appears to be a bit less of a difference down the road. :P




OOOoohh! What a loverly warm, sticky situation he's found mimself <3

Bloudin Ruo

What an awesome page! The slow pullout from Kyle's muzzle is perfectly done and his expressions throughout those two panels are divine. Regarding the size difference in panel #3, I think the over exaggeration works perfect, especially considering the angle. Play it off like it was intentional and nobody will bat an eye! :D The wet cockflop in the last panel is just icing on the cake, it's such a small little detail but you can just feel the warmth and satisfaction radiating from it. The dialogue worked out great and feels really natural in this one! No complaints at all, and in fact the total opposite--amazing work and a spectacular page! Content wise, is this nearing the end of the comic itself, or are you planning on doing more with it? I definitely think you should come back to these characters once their positions have matured within the group, say in 3 months time when Kyle has been hired on as an actor himself, and set up another raunchy scene with a hot hunk, billed as The Fluffer 2!

Andrew Jones

Part of me still feels icky for rooting for a guy who drugged someone. But this is such a hot story all the same.


Let's just call the exaggerated size difference in the bottom left panel an artistic expression of the horse towering over the fennec and giving him what he needs ;V