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Fun fact, when I was originally dreaming up the plot of this whole little adventure, this page didn't exist at all. But after the previous page, while I was amusing myself by thinking about how I somehow managed to start on another comic that's going to be full of gayness despite always complaining about not getting to draw enough girls, it occurred to me that I could actually slip a little bit of these two going at it without it interfering with my plans at all... so I did! 

Long story short, this page only exists because I wanted to draw that tigress gettin' fucked for a bit, heh. 

Fairly happy with how this page turned out. I sat down for a bit and sussed out how to make the colours not be all patchy, and I think it worked out fairly well. Definitely a notable improvement if I do say so myself. On the drawing side of things there's some anatomy wonk here and there, but I'm trying to draw more interesting poses and angles than I did in the previous comic (when it makes sense to do so) so there's some increased challenge.... hopefully nothing is so wonky as to be distracting though!

Anyway, that's my thoughts on this page. Hope y'all like it, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!

I'll probably post the first page over on FA now. I don't have a strict schedule in mind for when I'll upload things over there, and you guys will always have at least a few weeks advance viewing of comic pages, but I'd like to at least let people know I've started a comic to see if I can drum up any interest.




Woo! Straight/Gay representation ftw!

Bloudin Ruo

As an interesting tidbit of viewer-side opinion, when I first glanced at the colors here I thought "These look a little lighter, saturation and contrast wise, than a lot of Ru's other work" so I went and checked out what I was thinking by comparing to some other pieces. What I found was that the colors are actually fairly close to your normal colors (as I know you've been trying a bunch of different techniques and mediums in here and they all play out differently with the finished product), but that the first three panels all have very bright and almost omnidirectional lighting. The absence of shadow made it 'feel' like it had less color depth and contrast between the colors. Then I compared panels 1/2/3 to panel 4, where there is shadow to some degree, and everything felt normal there. Plus, panel 4 made it clear that the super bright lighting in the previous panels was intentional, clearly since this is a film set with professional lighting. Like I've said many times before, that's not something most artists would think about and include, especially if it was challenging and most viewers wouldn't know or look for it. It was very interesting to dive in and find out what was different in here! I think the fact that you still captured the horse's muscle definition with no shading at all is amazing. Your fluids in here (which I mentioned on page 1) look clear (color) and defined (lines/visibility), which you said you are trying to do more of, so you're on the right track with that! Anyways, just some internal rambling that may come across as informative or interesting to you as the artist :) Looking good! I should hope that some generous soul would notice the fennec over in the corner having such an animated internal struggle and lend him a hand!


To be honest, I'm still sort of figuring out just how I want to go about the colouring. My goal from the beginning was to play around with a somewhat flatter colouring method, simply in the interest of saving myself some time. I think it could work- to me the top three panels all look pretty good even if there's no real shading to speak of. It could maybe use a touch more, but I think it's a good direction. However, I wasn't quite sure how to handle the lighting on the fennec guy. He's in the dark but being hit with bright directional light, and I couldn't really think of a way of covering that with mostly flat colours, so he sorta gets special treatment. I'm hoping that it doesn't look too out of place, but I'm thinking I'll need to add at least a touch more shading in the bright areas in future pages to make things meld a little better. I dunno. But yeah, you pretty much nailed it, that's what you picked up on. First few panels don't have any real shading and the last one does. :P Very happy to hear it's looking good though! Thanks for taking the time to write out all your thoughts, it's very cool to read. :D


So I googled what the definition of a fluffer is and part of the definition was "These duties, which do not necessarily involve touching the actors...". Mr. Fluffer here could have it worse! He could have been hired as a no-touch fluffer. Though I suspect he would either pass up such a job or go rouge.


It says they don't -necessarily- involve touching the actors. Doesn't say they can't! I think he's just dedicated to his job and willing to use all the tools at his disposal. :P