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I wanted to do some quick tinkering with colour ideas. I feel like my colouring technique is doing alright, but my colour -choices- are kind of garbage. I'm hoping to improve that a little bit by doing some little colour studies like this. In these doodles I wanted to explore messing around with specific colour palettes, and how a colour might change in response to it's environment. 

I'm posting this here instead of FA because it's kind of a mess, heh. I didn't want to ink the same doodle eight times, that would have taken a rather long time, so I scanned it in, copied it a bunch and printed it out onto watercolour paper. Unfortunately my printer's ink isn't waterproof so ink bled everywhere while painting these, but for simple colour stuff that didn't matter much. 

Mainly, I thought you folks might find it interesting, and it's a good example of the sort of thing your support lets me do. I've taken the last week or two to just practice stuff, lots of doodling and messing around trying to improve. That's a lot easier to do with all the support you guys are giving me! I know some kinda ugly colour tests aren't exactly a thrilling reward for said support, but having the time to do things like this will hopefully improve all my paintings down the road, which I like to think is the main goal of all this. 

If nothing else, I hope it's proof that I'm actually trying to get better, a tiny bit at time. And I can do that 'cause of you guys, so... thanks! :D



Bloudin Ruo

Are there any of these eight (seven) that you don't feel quite satisfied with and want feedback on? I also just wanted to take a moment and say I've been following you in one way or another for the better part of 8-9 years now, and you've always been one of my favorites during that whole time. Watching your progress throughout the years and going back through your galleries shows just how much effort you've put into forwarding your talent, and it is obvious in your finished works. I hope you'll let us support and help you for many more years to come!


I'm pretty pleased with all of them, actually! I mean they're a mess and in a vacuum I wouldn't say any of them look good, but in terms of colour choices I pretty much got what I was after. In the bottom five I was messing around with how her colours would look under different coloured light, and with the top two I was just playing with some colour palettes. I don't look at any of them and go "ew" in terms of colour choices, which is something I've done a lot in my work in the past. I haven't done enough colour practice yet to never make a mistake again I'm sure, I've got lots left I need to do on that front in the future, but as a starting point I think I've learned some stuff that'll be useful going forward! That said, you're still welcome to say anything on your mind of course. :P Heh, and thanks so much! I've never been super naturally talented when it comes to art, not much comes easy so I've gotta fight with it pretty hard sometimes, but I'm confident that if I keep pluggin' away at it I'll get where I wanna be someday. It's pretty cool that you've been here for so much of that trip, so thanks for that too!


This is interesting to see. I'm not sure why, but it is interesting!

Shiloh Skye

Seeing how you practice and stuff is a reward in and of itself. And who can fault ya for wanting to improve and wanting to show off that improvement? Go for it. Most don't just support ya for the reward. We support ya because you're a fantastic artist who deserves it.


I made very unmanly noises when I read this comment. :P Thanks so much, I really do appreciate the support a ton!