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Another page done! Gale's cage is finally revealed, and the characters take a moment to talk about it. 

The colouring should be another tiny notch better in this page. Not significant, but I did it in such a way that should add just a tiny bit of depth to the characters. It's most noticeable on Gale here, I think. 



Lion Panthera

Until the cage, this could totally have been written about me and my husband! Loving the comic so far.


Wow, you guys must get into some pretty serious shenanigans. :P Thanks man!


I really love what you're doing with this. Also, Gale is such a cutie!


oh gosh :3

Nana Lu

this is the hottest and cutest thing ever!

Bloudin Ruo

As usual, color fixes almost everything I point out :) Great work! Sleeves are A+, ha. I hope you don't mind me being critical on the sketch/ink stages; let me know if I become too much!


Not at all! The sleeves were definitely a good call. Go ahead and point out any obvious mistakes you see, don't mind at all.